Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Best Female Heroines of Our Modern Pop Cultural Times

HEY EVERYONE! Thank you so much for the support! I’m officially at 1000 views. I couldn’t be more thrilled. As promised, I said I would do something a little different after view 1000.

Well, I’ve decided that instead of complaining about awkwardness and life, I would commemorate the kick ass ladies of books, movie, television, etc that we can be proud of! It’s a bit of a long one and took me quite some time to write..but here we go.

I’ve carefully constructed a list of about 20 but with the help of my veteran panel of super cool gals, we narrowed it down to 10 together (ok, so I narrowed it down to 10 considering none of these people are real…I’m not a schizo..but let’s be creative and pretend shall we!?) – Also, if I forgot someone amazing, I’m so sorry! Please tell me in the comment section and maybe they can get a shout out at some point or another in the future.

First, let me introduce you to the panel!

From top left to bottom right:
Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s, book and movie, played by Audrey Hepburn, written by Truman Capote) – Holly is a free spirited young woman living on her own in the city, she doesn’t need a man, or anyone but her cat to make her happy. She’s cool.
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen,represented by many on stage, TV, and movies) – Elizabeth is arguably one of the first female characters in fiction that actually spoke her mind and wasn’t crazy like her lunatic sisters over a husband. She’s pretty much the oldest of our gals, but still the coolest.
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer,  played by Sarah Michelle Gellar) – It’s pretty obvious as to why a teenage girl who kills vampires is on this list. Bad ass.
Far Mulan (Disney’s Mulan) – She dresses as a man in order to fight for honor for her family and her country. Plus, she’s not afraid to get a haircut.
Lara Croft (Lara Croft Tomb Raider Video Game) – Finally! One of the first girl’s in video games besides Princess Peach that can totally use a gun at any time and break into anything. We love you and your wicked braid.
Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City, books and TV show) – Carrie’s not afraid to say, or write, what’s on her mind. A loyal friend, listener, and defender of female behavior—she’s a winner.
Nancy Drew (from the Nancy Drew novels—not the stupid movie) – Nancy has been investigating mysteries for just about ever. She’s sharp and quick thinking. Plus, it’s just so darn fun to read.
Josephine “Jo” March (from Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women)- Jo’s not only a good sister, but is independent and vivacious in comparison to them. She has a wild imagination and likes to read, which of course, makes her awesome.
Lois Lane (from the comic books of Superman) – Lois is more than Clark Kent’s love interest, she is also a strong willed, aggressive, and career focused reporter that is quite sassy.
Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Crown Princess of Genovia aka Mia Thermopolis (from the book series and movies The Princess Diaries) – Mia’s not just eccentric but she is also hilarious, being thrust into the spotlight and to rule a country isn’t easy for a teenager, but what’s so great about Mia is her down-to-earth attitude and her ability to talk incessantly about her cat, Fat Louie.
ALRIGHT! Now that we have the panel introduced, let’s begin the countdown!
10. Holly’s Pick….. Jess (played by Zooey Deschanel) from FOX’s New Girl

You know I couldn't make this list without putting my girl Jess on there!
Jess, aka Zooey Deschanel is amazing for many reasons, with the main one being that she made it cool to be nerdy, again. She made us realize that not all girls have to be seemingly "perfect" and that we're all flawed. We've all got our freak flags. Jess just flies hers a lot, which is awesome.
Plus, she makes Lord of the Rings references often.
Why Holly picked her? She's a single girl living in the city with three guys and still manages to be amazing. Also, she rocks those outfits and bangs.

9. Mia’s Pick…..Olive Penderghast (played by Emma Stone) from Easy A

How I love Emma Stone, let me begin to count the ways...
Emma does a superb job of portraying Olive Penderghast, a girl who gains some unwanted attention for a nasty rumor started about her. Instead of cowering in shame over the rumor that she's a whore, literally, she decides to fight back and embraces her newfound status.
While some of the plot of Easy A is questionable, girls, don't pretend to be hookers, please...that doesn't mean that Olive shouldn't be considered an awesome modern heroine. She's hilarious and caring, helping geeky virgin guys gain some popularity points. But at the heart of the story you have a young woman who is able to thwart her ridiculous classmates and make us laugh while doing it.
Why Mia picked her? They both gained lots of popularity for reasons that they aren't particularly happy about.

8. Mulan’s Pick……Rapunzel (voiced by Mandy Moore) from Disney’s Tangled
Princesses are often judged for being too "Damsel-y" (I made that word up), Rapunzel especially. What, so she sits up in a tower waiting for a prince to come and rescue her?
And her hair is super long and beautiful?
Please, no beauty product can make THAT look okay.
Disney decided to put a new spin on the fairy tale. Now, sweet, hidden Rapunzel has been armored with magical powers....and a frying pan.
We've got to give Rapunzel some respect here. She wants freedom, adventure, and liberation from her crazy "mother". Who can blame her? She's a lot better than some other princesses out there...that's for sure.
Why Mulan picked her? She finally felt comfortable handing the reigns of coolest Disney Princess of the 90s over to the coolest princess of the 2010s (?) !

7. Carrie’s Pick……Daenerys Targaryn (played by Emilia Clarke) from HBO’s Game of Thrones and George R.R. Martin’s Series
Okay, so only people with HBO probably know who this is. But she...is...awesome.
Any girl that can catch on fire and be completely fine in my book is deserving of heroine status.
I'll admit, when I first watched the show, I was questionable. She basically gets whored out by her power-seeking brother to a barbaric, horse breeding, war lord with amazing muscles as his wife.
She decides to take hold over her situation and gains a bit of power.
For those of you that read the book series, you probably know by now that she's going to be a key player in gaining the coveted "Iron Throne" for herself. Wouldn't that be cool?
Oh, and there was that whole "walking through fire, hatching the dragon eggs" deal, also.
If you haven't watched "Game of Thrones", you really should, for this very reason.
Why Carrie picked her? They both bared their boobs on successful HBO series, but of course, there's more to both of them than meets the eye. Carrie liked the way Dany was able to transform herself from scared little girl to dragon warrior princess. You go girl.

6. Buffy’s Pick…..Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan (played by Emily Deschanel) from FOX’s Bones
How could we make this list without putting Bones on here?
To say she's amazing wouldn't be enough. The woman is freakishly smart and gorgeous, plus she's quick on her feet, always thinking. Her chemistry with Booth isn't the only type of chemistry this forensic anthropologist shows off well. She manages to make an intelligent scientist look into a kick ass crime fighter. We are definitely more than okay with this! After watching a bunch of shows where men are taking on these type of roles, it was time for a sassy, smart woman to take the reigns.
Why Buffy picked her? Besides their mutual love for David Boreanaz, they both fight off the bad guys in their own unique way. Thumbs up, girlfran.
5. Lois’s Pick…..Liz Lemon (played by Tina Fey) on NBC’s 30 Rock
Tina Fey is always brilliant, and Liz Lemon, we can assume, basically IS Tina.
Liz is another one of our smart girl, nerds on the list. She may not fight crime or walk through fire, but she's still pretty freaking sweet. To say she's a bit neurotic would probably be an understatement. This doesn't make us love her any less. She's a sharp writer that has to handle a bunch of crazy peopel all day while trying to keep her own life under control. I have a lot of respect for any female comedy writer. It's hard to make everyone laugh when you're a woman, considering comedy seems to be such a male dominated realm of entertainment. So thanks, Tina, eh...I mean, Liz for bringing us all back.
Why Lois picked her? They both love to write, they both are one of the few intelligent females in their workplace, oh and both of them share a love for sweaters.
4. Lara’s Pick…..Mindy Macready “Hit Girl” (played by Chloe Grace Moretz) from the movie Kick-Ass

For obvious reasons, Hit Girl makes one of our top spots.
She managed to look twice as bad ass as any super hero we're used to seeing in our modern day and age, while still being incredibly adorable underneath it all.
Not saying that going around stabbing people and beating the crap out of them is something the average 11 year old should be doing...but we must admit, this is pretty cool.
It's rare enough to see a female superhero, let alone one that doesn't even have their driver's license yet. Kick-Ass may not be the most memorable movie, but Hit Girl definitely is and her amazing-ness will live on for quite some time, I would say.
Why Lara picked her? They both share a love of shooting people to death for the greater good and Lara said it's about time someone took her place as most bad ass female action hero.

3. Jo’s Pick……Katniss Everdeen (played by Jennifer Lawrence) from the book trilogy and future movie, The Hunger Games
Speaking of super heroes....
This one just emerged really within the past few years.
It's no coincidence that The Hunger Games is so successful and it's main character is a female.
Katniss is most definitely a heroine.
At first she's just trying to stay alive so that she doesn't have to leave her mother and sister alone, but as time progresses she becomes a 'Mockingjay' figure of revolution for her oppressed society.
Um...that's pretty cool.
If you've read my blog or are friends with me you most likely know how I think Katniss Everdeen is one of the best as far heroines of modern times go. Unlike so many other females portrayed in young adult literature, Katniss does not think through pure emotion. She's smart about her decisions (come on, the berries at the end of the Hunger Games? Classic!.. SPOILER...and don't even get me started on her assassination of you-know-who in the 3rd book..SHOCK)
Why Jo picked her? Like, Jo, Katniss doesn't mind adventure, but most importantly she would do anything for her family, or her beloved sister, even if it means her life.

2. Elizabeth’s Pick…..Lisbeth Salander (played by both Noomi Rapace and Rooney Mara in the movies) from the movies and book trilogy The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
As far as game-changers go, Lisbeth Salander is totally one of them.
Normally when thinking of a computer hacker, you think of some loser who just got let go at Best Buy or that creepy Anonymous group. Not some super smart, goth girl with brains like Rain Man.
She may not be the  most social girl or the best looking, but she's got motive for fighting crime of her own. After being attacked by a disgusting creep, she decides to seek vengeance on him and any other of the pigs out there who look to exploit women.
She's amazing. (I know I throw this word around a lot, but she really is)
Read the books, if you can, but if you're like me and are a college student with way too much to do, you should see the movies. They're awesome.
A crime fighting Swedish girl with superb technological skills as well as a sharp fist?
This is your girl.
Why Elizabeth picked her? Although the two don't seem to have much in common besides, you know, their name, Elizabeth decided that Lisbeth is one of those "game changers/innovators" as far as women in literature go. She may not be telling Mr. Darcy off and scoffing at marriage, but Lisbeth still has got that something that most characters don't anymore.

1.       Nancy’s Pick…..Hermione Granger (played by Emma Watson) from the Harry Potter books and movies
Granger Danger!
I'm proud to announce Hermione as the winner of the list of female heroines.
While, yes, Harry Potter is of course, about Harry Potter as the hero....Hermione still plays a detrimental role to the story.
I mean, come on, for the most part Ron and Harry are complete dumb asses without her.
The reason Hermione holds such a close spot in my heart is that I've grown up with her, as so many have. We've seen her transform together from know-it-all book worm to a strong, intelligent young woman who helps Harry defeat Voldy.
She's the brains behind the entire operation of the series, and I'm convinced that J.K. Rowling is Hermione Granger and that she manifested herself through this character--which I'm sure some Harry Potter lovers out there can agree with.
Hermione only has one weakness, and that is Ron Weasley.
While some may say this takes away from her feminist appeal, I say no. This makes her real.
She's only a teenager in these books after all.
Ask any girl who their favorite Harry Potter character is and I promise more than half will say Hermione (the other half will say Neville because, let's admit it...he's sexy now) and if they don't say it, they're thinking it.
Hermione is beyond awesome.
Thank you J.K. Rowling for creating such a fabulous role model for young girls.
And not to digress, but I just found this quote because I was curious:
"I have often said that Hermione is a bit like me when I was younger. I think I was seen by other people as a right little know-it-all, but I hope that it is clear that underneath Hermione's swottiness there is a lot of insecurity and a great fear of failure" (Rowling)
Don't we all?
If Hermione were real, I would want her on my side.
Why Nancy picked her? Why wouldn't she pick her? They're both iconic book figures and pretty cool sleuths.

Other nominees that didn't make the cut this time but are also awesome:
Elena from Vampire Diaires - She's just cool, even though she's a bit too boy crazy
Kate from Lost - She's a bad ass, but Lost is a few years over now so she just didn't make the cut.
"Sasha Fierce" - Beyonce's alter ego, just listen to "Diva" and you'll know why
Stephanie Plum from the Janet Evanovich novels - Also a crime fighter, but not enough people know about her I suppose
MacKayla Lane from the Karen E. Moning novels - Once again, freaking sweet, but not many know of her. Educate yourselves, I promise you won't be mad about it!
Emily Thorne from Revenge - I personally haven't watched the show, but I hear it's amazing and upon looking into the show, Emily seems like a pretty awesome character..maybe next time!
Peggy Olsen from Mad Men - One of the few females working in an all-man's workplace and NOT just as a secretary? Automatically cool.
Maddie Ross from (the new) True Grit - Much like Hit Girl, Maddie Ross makes young teen girls feel empowered again. This young lady manages to hunt down the most ruthless U.S. Marshall there is to avenge her father's murder.
Juno from Juno - Once again, she made nerds feel cool again and made being pregnant and a teenager not something to be glorified but something that is what it is--life changing.
Anyone played by Zoe Saldana - she's just a bad ass on all levels in everything she's in, even in her original best, Britney Spears' Crossroads..okay not that, but come on, go see Columbiana..wow

Some criteria for making the list, must posess one or more of the following qualities:
- Must know how to use a weapon (machine gun, bow and arrow, frying pan...)
- Has read a book before or makes literary references. (The Scarlet Letter, The Tales of Beedle and Bard, Lord of the Rings, etc.) 
- Has a romantic interest, but that is not the center of their being.
- Fights crime of any kind.
- Is able to catch on fire without dying.
- Is not in a love triangle with a werewolf and/or vampire.
- Wears cool glasses.
- Has their own signature outfit or style (black leather, Hogwarts uniform, piercings on their lip).
- Rocks a side braid.
- British.
- Has a sidekick. (includes cops, chameleons, horses, dragons, and investigative reporters)
- Has a cool hair style. (25 feet long, purple, white, bangs, side braid--again)
- Has a singing and/or dancing number.
- Can punch a guy. (random guys that steal your purse on the subway, Draco Malfoy, super villains)
- Be a Deschanel sister.


THANKS for your time! Hope you enjoyed. I’ll be writing a worst female characters of pop culture soon, enough, don’t you worry.
Until next time,
Kaitie xo

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What Makes Females Tick: From Semi Annual Sales to Crying, Here's the Scoop

Good evening blogger world! Hope everyone is having a wonderful night. Tomorrow is hump day so yay! I cannot wait for this weekend. I can never really wait for the weekend though. I've never honestly met someone that's said "YES I'm so glad it's Wednesday! Woo!" But I mean, to each their own.

Tonight I want to talk about girls. I know, I know, that's really all I talk about anyways. But you know, since I am one and all, I figured it would be most productive. For all the girls out there, I do not wish to offend, first off! I am writing all of this from experience, so who am I to judge? Hopefully you will find it entertaining and be able to smile and nod and say "yeah, that's me".

For the guys out there (all 2 of you..HI DAD!), learn from this. This is why we are the way we are. Take it or leave it.

I will go by a few subjects.

We'll start with....
Vicotria's Secret:

Ah, yes, what a glorious land it is. The land where both women and men can feel free to oogle. Girls may cry and squeal over the sequin bra that is made of real Savorski crystals and makes you miraculously go from a B cup to a double D. Boys get to pretend to feel awkward when really inside they are ecstatic at the thought of their girlfriend in a leapord thong, or you know that hot girl he's been creeping on since he walked in forced by his mom and sister.
Why do we love it so much?
Because it's cute. It's sexy. And girls need to feel that way sometimes, even if it's in the privacy of their own homes.
There is nothing quite as exciting to a young female as a Victoria's secret Semi-Annual sale. Walking into that store with those big pink bins just brimming with bra's, panties, and beauty products. It's a dream come true.
Then you walk over to the PINK section in all it's 14-year old slutty glory.
Yes, I will buy a $50 sweatshirt that says "Let's Get Naked" for my 12 year old daughter...because it's cool.
For young women, this area is fun, light hearted, makes you happy. Those yoga pants are so cute! And yes! Finally an athletic shirt with my (boyfriend's..) favorite team on it that is low cut and makes me feel cute and not like a male!
But for girls under the age of 16. STOP. These clothes are not appropriate for you. You shouldn't be wearing bright pink thongs that say "Do me" on them! Shame, shame, shame!! First of all, how can you afford such a thing? You aren't old enough to work.
Wait...you mean your PARENTS buy it for you?
Give me your mother's number, I need to have a word with her about how her daughter will be on an MTV show (cough cough Teen Mom) in like, oh, 9 months. (By the by, has anyone ever noticed how every single girl on that show wears VS PINK stuff all the time? Do they, like, endorse the show? I don't understand...well I guess they must endorse it...you know, given the whole 'Your Boyfriend Says Hi' written on the thongs made for pre-teens--whatever happened to Limited Too?!)
I digress...
People often ask me "Kaitie, why do you bother buying things from Victoria's Secret when you don't have a boyfriend and aren't doing the dirty?" (ok, so no one asks me that...that would be extremely rude)
I want to answer "Because, my little friend, I like to FEEL good. OKAY?!"
Newsflash people, we don't always buy underwear to impress our boyfriends. We're doing it for ourselves now. Thank you corporate America, thank you.

Cool Nail Polish Designs

"I don't get it" any male will say when you explain to them how absolutely horrendous your nails look. They're so chipped and I just did them two days ago! UGH!
Wouldn't that ANNOY you, boy?
Apparently not.
But it bugs me when I'm buying this OPI crap that's like, 9 dollars a bottle and it chips the very next day. I don't see why. It's not like I do anything with my time that requires nails to be chipped, you know, like any physical activity.
"Why do you need zebra print nails?" he asks.
Isn't that the whole point in life, to look cool?
Nail art is art. Some people just don't understand this.
Amen, Sally Hansen. Amen.
Be right back, that reminds me...gotta go put some top coat on....

Being "Classy"

As women we are expected to be the "classier" counterpart. It is why when girls burp or fart it is so hilarious and/or horrifying. It's why when boys make comments about their masturbation habits, we are supposed to be appalled and scold them.
Society has taught us this. Women are supposed to keep the men in line.
Can you imagine what a mess life would be if it were the other way around?
The prime example is Becky (we'll call her this, she doesn't really exist, but you know..this is how I role)
Becky is calm and sophisticated. She does well in school, gets good grades, is on the swim team, she's got a good group of girl friends, goes to church every Sunday, and every guy wants to totally bang her.
Well, Becky gets asked out by this hot guy, we'll call him Brian. Brian and Becky go out to dinner. She giggles, not laughs, not cackles, giggles at everything he says that is somewhat funny. It's cute. It's a fun time. At the end of the night, she thanks him, he walks her to her door and they peck each other on the lips.
Very next night Becky's going out with her girls.
Give Becky a few vodka sodas and she is not giggling.
She is cackling, getting up on the stripper pole at the club, and rapping Lil Wayne songs about "juicy pus*y" <<see, do you see that censorship?...it's because I am acting "classy". Her boob is also popping out, by the way.
That is the real Becky, the hot mess that comes out to play when she's with her comrades. Give her two to three months with Brian and her true self will come out.
Class is not defined as how well a lady behaves. It's how well a lady PRETENDS to behave IN FRONT of people she doesn't know as well, or you know, her grandmother.
To me, that is class.
So next time a girl is like "that girl is trashy" you can just turn around and say "bitch please, you're not so classy yourself in your push up bra".
I'm sure that Audrey Hepburn would be at the club singing Lil Jon's  "Get Low" if she were alive today..right? We've all got freak flags.

US Weekly, People, Star, Cosmo, but most specifically "Stars Without Makeup"

This will not be the first time I talk about makeup in this extremely long blog post, but this portion in particular makes me giddy.

Women love magazines.
I enjoy reading the Times and CNN.com's stories as much as the next.
But there is just something about that trashy magazine at the counter by the check out line.
Wait, Jennifer Aniston is pregnant?! You mean, she's finally over Brad?! I HAVE TO GET THIS.
Kim Kardashian's boobs aren't real? I hate that whore, I HAVE TO GET THIS.
Kristie Alley is fat...again!? I HAVE TO GET THIS.
Ryan Reynolds is dating Blake Lively?! No, my life is over! I HAVE TO GET THIS.
It's just addicting. I can't fully explain why, but it just is.
My favorite section in particular is the "Stars: They're Just Like Us!".
Oh, please.
Yes, us plus about 25 million dollars.
They show, like, Jessica Alba playing with her kids and shit like that or Ryan Gosling walking his dog.
I'll tell you something that defeats this whole purpose: Stars who are filling up their tank of gas at Sheetz with random papparazzi's like you, US Weekly, watching and recording them...ARE NOT LIKE US. I do not have people following me to the dentist and waiting outside for me when I'm done to shoot a few pictures and say "She's just like us! She got a filling!" No.
The next section I absolutely die for and can never resist buying is the "stars without makeup" issue. HAHA!
You come to realize that yeah, okay, maybe stars really are like us--meaning they're butt freaking ugly without some eyeliner.
If I were a celeb I would never, EVER go out of the house without makeup on. Because I know that freaking US Weekly would be sitting there, stalking away with their little camera, just waiting like sharks for a minnow.
Yet, I love reading them still. It's just so fun to see all those female celebrities that you can't stand because they're so gorgeous and you don't even know why you don't like them because it's not like ever did anything to you personally. But there they are on page 6, with their acne and wrinkles, and baggy eyes, looking like they just walked out of Fight Club. HA! Scarlett Johansson, I knew there was a reason for my hatred towards you. You are GROSS.
So there! that's why we like that...


Girls, we like routine as much as guys, but our issue is that we have far more mood swings than the average male neanderthal. For example, if I wake up to go to the gym you better believe I am not going to put my $75 Calvin Klein perfume on. But I can't just go without putting anything on. So I get out the Bath & Body Work's spray. Hmm, sweet pea or vanilla? Am I feeling fun and frisky or sultry and laid back today? See, decisions.
Going out with the girls? Victoria's Secret scent.
Going out with beau? Dior time.
Going out with mom? Coconut Lime (my mom likes Vanilla, so my spray therefore compliments hers)
See, it's a whole process.
We think before we do.
The right scent can make the day either kick off well or badly. I really get hung up on that day that I wear my sexy scent yet, I'm in my women's lit class that has exactly two guys in it. So, yeah, no, that was a bad move.

Sad Movies

You ask me why I'd rather watch The Help than Transformers? Because it means something. It isn't just some movie about robotic alien toys fighting each other (really Louis Stevens as an action hero?..no). I'm not saying that's not entertaining. I'm just saying that occassionaly I like for my movies to make me think and come out of it with a lesson well learned.
You'd rather watch Mission Impossible than The Vow? Really? But Channing Tatum is in The Vow. Your reply, "he's gay".
Wow, good one...
At least the movies I want to see are realistic, boy. At least they aren't completely ridiculous concepts. That's fine for red box in a few months when it comes out, but if you want to get laid tonight, you're going to see New Years Eve with me, and that's final. And yes, I did cry at New Years Eve...do not judge me.

Makeup, Again

One more thing about make-up.
I find it so hilarious how we women will go out in public and be all like "ugh, I'm so disgusting, I'm not wearing any makeup!"
But really, you are.
You're wearing concealer so no one can see your zits, even if you're only going to Panera on a Monday afternoon, you're still wearing something on that face of yours. It's a sickness. We all do it. We live in constant fear that we'll run into that really cute guy we had a crush on in Middle School or that US Weekly is outside waiting to take our picture.

Dressing to Impress

I find myself pondering this question often. Why do we women feel the need to go out and buy those expensive pumps from the Jessica Simpson collection that are way, way too tall for us and that we'll only wear once? Why do we feel the need to go out and get those $40 yoga pants from VS? Why must we invest in all those mini skirts that are a little too slutty for us all?
Many would say this "Kaitie, we do it because we want to look hot"
And why do we want to look hot, though?
"To get a boyfriend..." one would think.
But no, it's not even that.
We're not wearing heels that are bigger than our heads, making us 6' 1" and therefore almost taller than the guy we are interested in anyways, for you guys. Sorry to say.
Maybe for some girls, and maybe sometimes, but not always.
Why should we dress up for guys when they're already and would rather picture us naked anyways? (most cases, this not all guys, I won't be THAT girl)
Then I tell myself, well obviously we're trying to impress each other.
This is kind of true.
Girls are constantly trying to out-do other girls, their "friends", their peers, slutty Becky dancing up on that pole without a care in the world. We want to be the cutest. We want our hair to look the best, our heels to be the most original, our skirts to show off our legs the best. We want it not for you, men, but for each other.
But to this, I even say no.
That's not right.
I personally don't care how I look compared to many others. I mean, I'll still wear the cute shoes and the cute outfits, but if I'm the only girl in jeans when every other girl is in a skirt, I'm not going to cry about it. I know I'm not the only one out there.
The simple fact of the matter is that we are doing it for ourselves, just like with the sexy bra thing, and the wearing makeup. We aren't dressing for anyone important, really. We want to feel good about ourselves in a social setting that is controlled by our peers. (so yeah, I guess it is to impress others, but you can't impress anyone without first feeling good about yourself..right?)
I really believe this.


So alright, that was super long. Verging on too long. And if you made it this far, I really applaud you. Not sure how funny it was, but you know, it had to be said.
These are some of the things that guys pick on girls for, and girls pick on other girls for, all the time. We all have our things.
I figured since I totally scrutinized males in my "Men's Shoes" blog that this one would humble me. Maybe it seems artificial and stupid, but you know what, you don't have to like it. There's a lot more to everyone than all that madness. We (some) just like what we like as girls, and there's really nothing you can do to change it.

Until next time,


**Also, I'm officially at 900 blog views! Thank you all so much! 100 more till 1,000. Craziness! :) **

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I'm Back, and Random!

Happy 2012 everyone! Hoping this is NOT our last year on Earth, and if it is, oh well. I hope that you all had a wonderful Holiday Season and are getting this year started off right. If you haven't given up on that diet or your gym membership, you are already a winner. (It has been 11 days, that's a lot of dedication..for an American and all). You all voted for your favorite Christmas Movie and it was a 3-way tie between A Christmas Story (Daddy's gonna kill Ralphie!), Christmas Vacation (Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?), and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot, but the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville - did not.)

Anyways, It's been over a month since I've written on here and for that, I apologize. My procrastination was in low mode while on Winter Break. But don't worry I'm back, and as awkward as ever.

Tonight I have a few things to talk about.

The first being the subject of the first day of college class in a new semester..more specifically the expressions on people's faces.

OK. Here is the issue.
Why do people feel the need to look so freaking mean and angered on the first day of class? So I walk into any college classroom and if there are people in there, they do NOT under any circumstances smile. (This is only for people who you don't know, of course). Why must you intimidate me so? I'm already nervous enough as it is...and now all of these people are sitting here with these horrible looks on their face like we're all facing impending doom or something. Which, alright, maybe we are. But still, why do you look constipated right now? Can't we just be happy? Would it kill people to smile at other people? I know, it's weird. If you don't know someone and you just randomly smile at them they will think
1- Do I know this person?
2- Is this person trying to hit on me?
3- What did I do to deserve this smile..is there cilantro in my teeth?
Can't we just be nice and smile at one another every once and while? Why do I have to walk into a lecture hall feeling like I'm walking into a courtroom or worse, the DMV? (shudder)

If there is one thing I could change about society besides politics, war, and the Kardashians, I would change the fact that no one smiles at one another. It's kind of rude, if you think about it. But hey, I'm not going to be the one to start such a movement...people will think I'm weird. Right?

Next subject.

Couples who sit on the same side of the booth at restaurants whilst on a date.

First off, who are you trying to impress?
Secondly, we're not impressed.
Thirdly, don't you find it annoying when you're constantly bumping elbows with your significant other while trying to cut your food?
Fourthly, doesn't you neck hurt from looking at your boyfriend/girlfriend/etc.?? (or is that why they call it "necking"...you know, in 1950).
Fifthly, isn't it awkward staring ahead at an empty booth across from you?

These people just flabberghast me. Really, I'm constantly perplexed by couples like this, or any people who do this in general. I'm open to arguments. If you would like to propose to me a justification for such a weird act, please feel free to do so. Otherwise, you're an idiot if you do this.
You're only setting yourself up for an hour+ of awkward dinner conversation and even more awkward dirty looks. JUST DON'T DO IT.

I have an example recently of an event that occured whilst eating dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. This kind of has to do with the whole couple on the same side of the booth thing, but more so it's just me going off on a tangent.

A few of my friends and I were at dinner, talking, laughing, giggling, and having general goodtimes. I, of course, take notice of a couple that's just sit down near us in the rotunda of tables. They sit on the same side of the booth. I'm immediately intrigued.
The guy is wearing a flannel short sleeve shirt in the middle of Ohio winter with no coat. He does, however, have a beanie hat on. Good! Whew! Then his girlfriend is wearing Aeropostle sweatpants that I only ever wear myself while in the privacy of my home, because, after all, I'm not 12.
They're at least 21 because the guy orders a bottle of beer. (Really, from the Cheesecake Factory? You couldn't at least be somewhat classy and get it on tap?)
Anyways they're talking and eating the complimentary bread.

All of the sudden the male counterpart gets down on one knee. I, being the socially ridiculous person I am, gasp loudly causing a great echo throughout the rotunda. People look. I've distracted my entire table. They're panicked. I would be too-- I would be very concerned if I had to be friends with myself, honestly.

So I thought the guy was proposing.
He wasn't.
He was picking up a dime or something.

I'm so embarassed for my outburst, but I legit thought this guy was proposing.
My first thought was "OMG this guy is proposing!" -gasp-
My second thought was "OMG this guy is proposing at the Cheesecake Factory...ew." -judgemental face-

No, he just gets up and then sits next to his girlfriend. I don't know why they feel the need to be so close, but this is later at night. Maybe only the freaks come out that late anyways.
In that case, I wanna marry the night. Ma-ma-marry.

Sorry. That was weird.

My final subject for this ridiculously stupid blog post is about those uncomfortable "Get to Know You" games.
Why do professors feel the need to do this to  me? Really. I take this as a personal attack. We're 18+ years old adults (well, as adult as you can be when you're bonging beers and walking 2 miles in 6 inch heels in 20 degree weather on a Thursday at 2am when you have class in 6 hours...not that I do that), we should NOT have to be playing get to know you games like middle schoolers.
It always makes me a bit rigid because I never know what to say when I have to say something "interesting" about myself.
Like what do these people find interesting?
That I like to read or that I enjoy the feeling of my retainer in my mouth because I find it comforting? Both of these can be seen as interesting facts.

But if I say I like to read I automatically put the "smart girl" label on my head and it's better not to put expectations on yourself in the eyes of others especially when you ask dumb questions in class when you have too much coffee, as I often do.

And if I say the retainer thing, I'm just a fucking weirdo.

So, you see, dillema.

These games just suck because I'm not athletic, don't play an intstrument, don't have a twin, and am not double-jointed. Those are the easy go-to facts. I hate these people.

Then the worst is when your professor is like "OKAY! Turn to the person next to you and introduce yourselves."

And if you're me, you're sitting next to a bro...of course.
So I turn and introduce. He's not impressed. That's okay. We just talk for a few about our names, majors, life goals (jk). But then the convo is over. Yet everyone else is still talking. The prof is not stopping this madness. So I turn back around and keep to myself, but then everyone is still literally talking...so is it okay if I turn back around and ask him what his favorite color is?! Like, no. That's weird.

^Sorry if that is so ridiculous. Most people probably don't have this problem. I do though, so I'm writing about it. Deal.

Alright, you know what. I'm just going to stop myself for the night. It's late and I'm doped up on cold meds.

I hope you all are having a good first few weeks of 2012 and that you are staying out of jail.

Until next time,
