Monday, January 26, 2015

Betchy Bachelor Monday: Bachelor Chris Week 4

Hey everyone! So I'm trying something new tonight and am going to write this as I watch. So don't mind any scattered thoughts.
Also, I had to pause House of Cards for it better be worth it tonight.

We start off with Papa Harrison telling the girls that this is now getting very serious and Bachelor Chris is FOR SURE in it for the long haul. He also then says that this week they'll be trying something new...Chris's three sisters will be picking who goes on the one on one date.

We proceed then to the first group date which includes 8 girls that I don't feel like writing the names down for. The card reads "let's keep things natural" which I find comical considering most of these women wouldn't know how to be natural if they tried. So let's watch this mess unfold.

Megan says she is feeling "really great" about it, like almost to the point where I think she  might be high on something.

So anyways. They're at some lake apparently in the middle of nowhere. Chris says he is really excited to see how these girls will be in nature aka how good they all look in their bikinis.

Ashley I Kardashian claims to be "so shy" and doesn't know how the hell she is going to talk to him. UM HELLO. Let's flashback to last week when she almost kissed him off of a balcony!?
Naturally, she decides to take her top off of her bikini and jump into the lake.
Don't worry, Kaitlyn then takes her bottoms off to make things even.

Meanwhile, back at Bachelor Mansion, Chris's three very sweet looking sisters arrive. God help them. They do not know what they're walking into. Carly the Cruise Ship Singer answers the door, already prepared to do a lot of sucking up. Jillian Michaels is asleep out by the pool aka probably passed out drunk, in her bikini with her blacked out ass, again.

She claims to be super embarrassed, although I am not really sure how someone like her could even be embarrassed about anything. Yet, I don't really blame her. They pull Whitney, the Sperm Nurse aside first. They seem to get along really well. They then talk to some of the other girls including Hollywood Britt who seems really, really confident. The girls all seem to be getting along with the sisters just fine.

Jade comes up and acts like this sweet, innocent girl from Nebraska. OK. We all remember last week when you pulled him into his bachelor pad in your little vixen heels and made out with him on his bed. I remember the way he grabbed your ass, girlfriend. So don't play innocent with me.
Just saying.

We go back to the date then. They're all enjoying lakeside fun and playing Red Rover, which is my grade school nightmare, personally. Kelsey, the skinny girl with the short hair that lost her husband, is not pleased. She claims that this is the worst time she's ever had, that she hates how they are in the middle of nowhere and outdoors, and then complains about being stung by a bee. Someone needs her nap.
Also, bitch...can I just say, how the fuck do you expect to be a farmer's wife in Iowa if you can't even handle a lake trip..?
Do you realize what Iowa is?
She goes as far as to say she wants to stab herself with a fork in her eye.
As the queen of dramatic statements, that is a little dramatic to me.

Chris then informs them all that they'll be camping their tonight together.
Let's pretend to enjoy this!

They set up tents and by some miracle, Mackenzie and Ashley I Kardashian manage to get theirs together after what was probably hours.

Meanwhile back at Bachelor Mansion, the sisters continue grilling the ladies of the house. Carly, the Cruise Ship singer gets asked about her past relationships. She starts crying saying her ex was a jack-ass, and we feel you girl. She then says she wants a relationship like her grandparents, and don't we all?
I'm sure she'll win the date now because she cried.

The girls then make dinner together and talk about who the sisters will pick. The date card then comes and goes to 'Sweet', 'Innocent', 'Shy' Jade. Everyone pretends to act happy. Britt is shocked and jealous, of course, because she truly believes she is number one. Don't blame her.. I think Jade is a little faker IMO.

Back to the camping trip from hell.
The rose suddenly appears and all of the girls' eyes get glossy with hunger. Ashley I Kardashian gets emotional and wants the rose more than anything in the world.

Plow My Fields Kaitlyn pulls Chris aside and they talk--they seem to have a real connection. Against my better judgment, I am enjoying them together TBH. They seem natural together. Is it because she's really good with guys? Or is there really something there? IDK. Because she definitely seems like the kind of girl who people like.

Kelsey is still sulking and pouting like a child. However, when Chris comes around, her smile shines through and she peps up like the energizer bunny. He pulls her aside and she smiles wildly, laughing fakely. It's all so fake, I hate it. I'm mad at myself for ever liking her.

Drinks are flowing then, and the women start getting a little loose and crazy. In particular, Ashley S, who probably shouldn't be mixing alcohol with her meds. Mackenzie talks about aliens.
Chris then scares them whilst wearing a mask, which is really a great idea.

Shit is just getting weird. Ashley S then takes some time with Chris and attempts to talk about astrology (which I can appreciate)  but then she sort of goes off on a tangent that neither he nor we can understand. God bless him. She leans forward and kisses him, which he lets her, probably in fear for his life. The girls then save him from her by screaming his name.

Ashley I Kardashian aka the new star of this show apparently, puts on some lipgloss before getting her alone time with him. She tells him that she has a huge crush on him, babbles about that for a few minutes, and then runs out of things to say, so just makes out with him, as she usually does.


Who the hell is he going to give this rose to? I mean, this is a stone cold pack of weirdos we've got on our hands.

He gives the rose to the only option, Kaitlyn. Who is coincidentally also the only one of them who actually had a conversation with him.

Ashley I decides that tonight is the night that she is going to tell him that she is a virgin and has never had a boyfriend before. *cringes*

So what's the appropriate way to tell a man that you're a virgin whilst on a camping trip? Sneaking into his tent in the middle of the night, of course.
I mean this guy was in the midst of a deep sleep and she wants to tell him now?!
I'm confused by her.

So she basically tells him without telling him. Mind you, he's in a confused daze. Instead of telling him point blank, she dances around the subject, saying she's a 'huge nerd' which apparently coincides with 'virgin.'

He nods in understanding, but is clearly lost. He lets us know in his interview that he had no idea wtf she was talking about.

They return from the group date and find out that Jade got the one-on-one date card from Chris's sisters. The card reveals that the date will be Cinderella themed. Everyone pretends to act really happy. Except, of course, Ashley I. Ashley throws a tantrum, running around the house, acting like this was supposed to be her date because she's a princess, and it's always been her dream to be a Disney princess.
UM HELLO BITCH. It's everyone's dream to be a Disney princess. That doesn't mean it's going to fucking happen. Pull it together. Good LORD.

So these odd people come running into the house, shouting Jade's name, demanding that it's time for her makeover. The fairy godmother has pink hair, FYI. So they have her try on dresses and jewelry as all the girls watch in excited jealously. Ashley I looks like she might actually murder for this and continues acting like a fucking psychopath as she has since day one.

(^Jade and Ashley)

The godmother shows Jade her glass slippers and also a trailer for the new Cinderella film..?

This blog is sponsored by Disney.
Also, holla at Robb Stark playing Prince Charming. u look good boi, miss u.

So we see the finished product of Jade, who looks lovely in a modern day Cinderella dress. I'm not wild about it personally, but she pulls it off. Her carriage aka a white Rolly comes on up and whisks her away.

While Bachelor Chris is awaiting his mystery date, he practices his ballroom dancing alone.
God awful, btw.
So she appears at the top of the steps, it's all very romantic. They smile at one another, acting all cute and happy. It's a true joy. There's violins and music and candles and a big glass slipper.
He is clearly relieved it's her and not any of the crazies.

Plus, he really enjoyed pinching her booty last week, if you catch mah drift.

So they sit together and eat and talk. Jade tells him about her life and whatnot. They both talk about their broken off engagements from a young age. They talk about some more insignificant things and are really hitting it off I guess.

IDK why but I'm just not crazy about Jade. I wish I could be. I just don't buy the act I suppose. I feel as if she's faking this whole 'Even though I live in LA, I'm from Nebraska and I'm a cute, shy girl at heart'.
IDK though.That's just my dumb ass opinion. I'm sure she's a lovely girl.

Chris gives her the rose and then they go ballroom dancing on this platform with a live symphony. It's all so romantic and sweet.
But wow. I mean if this isn't setting the standards WAY WAY high for dating, then I don't even KNOW.
I mean, the most romantic date I've ever been on was appetizers and drinks at TGIF Fridays in which he paid for my Mudslide.

No beds on this date, sorry Chris.
Once the clock strikes midnight, she must be off. So I guess the producers told her she has to run down the steps, which is kind of cheesy and also dangerous.
Run bitch, run!

Meanwhile, back at the house Ashley I wears a gown and does her hair and makeup. She's very sad and upset that she didn't get to go on the princess date, so she makes her own. She sits alone and forlorn as the girls make fun of her while eating corn on the cob.

The group date card arrives along with six wedding gowns?
Uh, okay. Fine. I'll bite.

So the girls for this date all wear their dresses, looking like brides and whatnot. Next, they arrive at a Muck Fest aka some sort of mud run for charity. Of course, to be clever, they'll do it in the wedding dresses. Duh.

Obviously this date is rigged up to where Jillian Michaels can win. None of the other girls even stand a chance. One girl's dress is literally huge and she can't even make it through the first obstacle. A definite unfair disadvantage.

Can you imagine Kelsey in this situation? She'd weep.

Jilllian starts off strong, and then of course dominates, leaving the other girls in her trail. Carly claims that Jillian is probably a man and that's why she's winning...which is a little rude IMO. Just because she's athletic and strong she's a man? Okay..? Idk who Carly thinks she is all of the sudden, but she's acting like a little bitch. I would know because I'm a bitch too.

Chris takes some time to talk to them all and help them out, probably putting off his date with Jillian as long as possible. Jk. But eventually they all make it to the end and are sent packing, while Jillian wins the one on one.

Chris explains that he really likes Jillian, says that she is definitely one of the top choices as of now before the date…which is a shock to all of us. Jillian begins talking on the date and doesn’t really stop. Jillian talks about fitness a lot. As most people who are passionate about things do. She talks a lot, and quickly, Chris can no longer comprehend.

He tells her that he can’t give her the rose because they don’t have anything in common, basically. So he sends her home. She talks very quickly even through her tears. And so we say goodbye to Jillian Michaels.

It's all very shocking. Also, did any of us actually take her seriously though?
I mean, come on. 

God bless her. 

 The girls are all nervous after hearing he sent Jillian home. Megan pulls him aside first at the cocktail party. She doesn't know who or where she is so that gives her a leg up because at least she’s relaxed. She makes him taste food blindfolded in hopes that it’s romantic? I'm not really sure. But it's weird as hell. 

Ashley I takes him next, and wants to clarify AGAIN that she is IN FACT a virgin. She goes about it in the most awkward way possible. 


Chris claims he admires that, but I feel like she’s just so insane how could he take this well? She’s freaking the fuck out. They didn’t kiss. So she walks away crying and upset thinking that because he didn’t kiss her that he now hates her. She’s blowing it up like crazy. The girls try to comfort her, but comforting a lunatic is no easy task.

I was trying to drink every time Ashley I had some sort of meltdown but I PASSED OUT DRUNK IN FRONT OF MY FIREPLACE TWO HOURS AGO.

Meanwhile, he’s making out with Carly for the first time. LOL.

Becca tells Ashley that she is also a virgin, but hasn’t even thought to tell him. BECAUSE WHO WOULD? That’s her business, not everyone’s. I don’t get why this virginity thing is such a big fucking deal to Ashley. I mean I get your virtue is a big deal .. but Ashley blows everything way out of proportion like it's the end of the line for her. Also she then looks upset that Becca is also a virgin like that’s not only her thing now.

Britt is upset that she hasn’t seen chris at all. So she pulls him aside, upset about the other dates, particularly the camping date where Kaitlyn took her pants off. She’s defensive against Kaitlyn for sure because she’s more the number one bae than Britt is now.

 Chris is upset that Britt is questioning him and his intentions rather than talking about herself/bonding with him. Chris bumbles, trying to think of a way to respond. Britt clearly just wants to hear that he likes her the most still no matter what and he’s not saying that. So then he comes back into the rose ceremony pissed saying if anyone doesn’t believe he’s here for the right reasons then they can leave. Britt feels bad. 

God forbid anyone try to call out the Bachelor/ette for acting like an ass hole on this damn television program.

But who cares. Let's begin.

Rose ceremony:

Everything is difficult.
  1. 1-       Whitney
  2. 2-      Carly
  3. 3-      Megan
  4. 4-      Samantha
  5. 5-      Mackenzie
  6. 6-      Kelsey
  7. 7-      Becca
  8. 8-      Ashley I
  9. 9-      Britt

Sends Ashley S, Juelia, and some other girl who I do not recall the name of at the current moment.
He gives Juelia a special little goodbye, and she’s crying, and it’s all very sad. He tells her that she is going to find someone and whoever it is will be so lucky. Blah blah. 

At the end of the episode Ashley S takes time to speak her truth and insists that she is really fine, and could care less about anything.

“I feel nothing” –Ashley S 

Yes, that was apparent to us from day one. 
Speaking for everyone, I hope you can get some help, Ashley S. 

And quickly. 

Losers of the night:
Jillian Michaels who didn't even make it ten minutes into her one on one date, it looks like.
Juelia and Ashley S...and also Nikki (I looked up  her name) sorry Nikki. Your time on this show was brutally unfair. Also, you had to wear that very heavy wedding dress which was not cool. 
Hollywood pissed off Chris, that can't be good. 
Ashley I...way to make America despise you. 
Kelsey for acting like a whiny fake brat, we no longer like you.
All of those wedding dresses that never stood a chance.

Winners of the night:
Kaitlyn, duh for being the new bae
Princess Jade for getting the big romantic date and some expensive free shit
Becca for being the Cool Virgin
Glass slippers
Corn on the cob

Number of times Chris made out with someone tonight:
At least 5 

Number of times Ashley I made me want to hurl myself off of a bridge:
anytime she was on screen, so probably like 35 times

Until next time, 


PS: I am not a fan of anyone's makeup on this show, and that's the truth. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Betchy Bachelor Monday: Bachelor Chris Week 3

Ugh, just ugh. Let's get started.

We start off the episode with some ominous music and a mysterious guest arriving at Bachelor Mansion. It turns out to be Jimmy Kimmel (which we learned last week from the preview, but whatever) and he's here to read us some mean tweets.
Jimmy wakes Bachelor Chris up during a slumber and Chris is a bit overwhelmed to say the least, as most would be.
Jimmy then goes on to meet the girls and refers to them as "sister wives" which is pretty funny. The girls cheer madly for him. I'm sure a few of them *cough cough Hollywood Britt* see it as their opportunity to maybe get their name out there and become a star. He claims that he is here to help, and God help us all.
Jimmy Kimmel also provides an 'Amazing Jar' in which every time anyone says the word "amazing" they have to put a dollar in the jar. So that's kind of funny, too.

Because Jimmy is there, Papa Harrison takes a step back and he is dressed super casual, looking good.

Jimmy delivers the first one on one date card of the night to Plow My Fields Kaitlyn, who excitedly accepts. We discover that Jimmy is the one who will be planning the dates tonight. The card reads that they'll be going to an exclusive club with high beams and hor d'oeuvres.

Plow My Fields Kaitlyn and Bachelor Chris spend a majority of their limo ride trying to figure out where it is they might be going.

Then the limo parks in front of Costco.

They should just have Jimmy Kimmel plan the dates every week, making this show even more of a joke than it already is.

Chris and Kaitlyn aren't particularly excited about being at Costco which...EXCUSE ME! Costco is awesome! Have you ever been in Costco?? It's grocery shopping if grocery shopping was doing some serious cocaine. Everything is bigger and better at Costco. How DARE they insult Costco.


Anyways. They are inside of Costco and "making the best of it." They do seem to be having quite a good time. They buy ketchup and steaks in bulk.
Kaitlyn finds this blow up ball that she goes in and Chris joins in her in the inflatable nightmare ball and they have some stranger children roll them around in it before making out.

I have no idea how two grown adults fit in there, or how they got out but I'm sure the producers at this show have seen some weirder shit than that.

Chris really seems smitten with Kaitlyn, and I would even go as far as to say Hollywood Britt (the first love) has a run for her money.

The two begin preparing dinner for when Jimmy Kimmel shows up to ruin it. They flirt and laugh and make fun of each other, and it's all light hearted and fun. Jimmy arrives and makes things awkward by asking about sex and the fantasy suite. Kaitlyn handles the questions with grace and ease. Jimmy goes as far as to call Kaitlyn a man...because apparently women who drink bourbon, eat steak, and don't think sex is a big deal are not real. I must say, I don't think anyone could have handled this date quite as well as she did. I mean, can you imagine if this was Ashley I (Kardashian) or Ashley S (Actual Headcase) on this date? (cringes)

After the date, Kaitlyn definitely seems to be a front-runner for now. Although, while she is fun, light hearted, and the token 'cool girl' does she really seem like the kind of girl who wants to settle down, marry, and move to a farm in Iowa? I'm not so sure.

you go girl

That's why they're on here, right? To get married? I didn't miss the point, correct?
Plus, I think Kaitlyn is kind of bitchy when she talks about the other girls...not that it's not warranted considering that's what I'm doing now. I guess I don't have room to talk.

Next comes the group date which includes Hollywood Britt, Jillian Michaels, Becca, Tracy, Mackenzie, Kelsey, Amber, Ashley S, Juelia, Samantha, Nikki, and Carly if that means anything to you.
Jillian Michaels makes sure to get in a good workout before the date and works out her ass, the producers black it out again...I guess I'm just confused. Is she not wearing panties?
Moving on.
We arrive at the date. Jimmy Kimmel has a 'farming challenge' set up including milking a goat, frying an egg, and catching a pig. It's all very humiliating.
Jillian, of course, makes it into some kind of obstacle course which will allow her to show off her ass.
Carly wins the competition surprisingly. If you don't remember who this is, don't feel bad. She's the girl who arrived out of the limo singing on what I refer to as a Barbie karaoke machine. She also had thin eyebrows.

Carly and Chris spend a few moments taking an 'American Gothic' photo together, which I don't really think is a fun gift personally. I'm more of a Van Gogh kind of gal.

Moving on to the cocktail portion of the date, Carly wastes no time pulling Chris aside and getting her time with him. They don't really talk much but she uses the "you're a man, and I'm a woman" and I begin pulling my own hair out. oh god oh god oh god...she's going in for the kiss.

I roll off of my couch in embarrassing anguish.

I can't even watch the thirst right now.

Jillian Michaels pulls him aside next, dances with him as if to pretend it is their first wedding dance, then she kisses him. But she's not alone. Chris kisses a few more girls, making everyone feel really, really special I'm sure.

Mackenzie, the fifteen year old in both personality, mentality, and looks, decides to stand up to Chris. She pulls him aside and asks him why he is kissing everyone. I feel for this situation. But a- you knew you were getting into this b- don't think you're special just because you get the first one-on-one date and c- you're annoying AF.
Someone had to say it to him, I just wish it wasn't her...and I wish she wasn't so damn annoying about it. She like giggles and acts crazy. It just simply shows that she is a child.
I can't stand girls who try so hard to be cute. Like just stop, please, for the love of all that is holy.

After all this craziness, Becca, who has flown rather under the radar takes a few minutes to talk to Chris. They seem very natural together. She's not crazy or overbearing. They just talk like two friends trying to get to know each other, and maybe date.

And then...
She tells him that she won't kiss him. She says that she wants to, but it doesn't feel right yet, and it is something special to her. He likes that because it means he has to work for it.

This earns her the rose.
The other girls are livid, but Becca deserves the rose IMO. She is literally the only girl I think at this point who hasn't made out with Chris.

I'd say so far, Kaitlyn and Becca are definitely at Britt's level...if not even exceeding her.

The one on one date card comes and it goes to Whitney the Sperm Nurse with the ridiculously high pitched voice. She kind of starts crying when she gets the invite and I feel like that is just a lot.

I'm just dreading listening to her talk on this date.

that was mean.

They go to this beautiful winery together and Whitney starts off the date strong, almost like a job interview, asking him exactly what he is looking for. You can tell she isn't afraid to ask for what she wants. She really seems to be listening to every single word he is saying. As opposed to the other girls who try so hard to lay their entire life story out on the line at first, Whitney wants to learn more about him, which I think is interesting.

Together, they spot a wedding happening far off in the distance.
Whitney gets the wild idea that they should cancel the rest of their planned date and crash the wedding. Chris seems hesitant at first, but definitely seems like he wants to try it.

The producers are like "uh, idk how this will work?" but at this point Whitney is really talking it up, and how could Chris deny her this? So fuck it, let's do this thing.

So sure enough, they dress up in nice clothes, she puts a fake wedding ring on, and they crash the reception.

This is wild!

I'm genuinely impressed with her, and this whole situation. I am also very on edge because I feel like they are totally going to get caught. I mean, I highly doubt this wasn't at least a LITTLE bit staged...or maybe even a lot, but still. It's nerve racking to me.

They take some time to dance like fools WITH THE BRIDE AND GROOM BTW.

This is a monumental moment. I definitely think Whitney the Sperm Nurse is a front runner now. After the wedding, Chris runs off to get the rose and offers it to her, but he does it in such a way that he looks like he is going to fucking is he in love with her or what?

He goes, "I can see myself marrying Whitney"


She is in first place, for sure! And somehow her voice just got less annoying!

The next day, Bachelor Chris preps himself for the cocktail party/rose ceremony by bathing in his outdoor shower with Jimmy Kimmel (that's not a joke)

Jimmy then goes to find the girls and tells them that there won't be a cocktail party, but instead a pool party. The girls act excited and dress to the nines for this pool party adventure.

Gotta love a token pool party.

Bachelor Chris jumps into the pool and the girls literally swarm him like a bunch of crocodiles around a fat piece of meat.

Juelia decides that this is the only time she can tell him about her daughter and ex who killed himself.

Wow, way to bring the mood down.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound insensitive. But why is there this rush to tell him all this? I get that she wants him to know her, but it's kind of obvious she's doing this for pity and to get his attention. It's kind of sick, actually. I don't know, it just felt really weird to me and I wasn't a huge fan.

I don't doubt going through that is the worst thing in the world, but to spill it all out on The Bachelor to some man you just met and are fighting for attention from seems a little...crazy to me.

Directly after this, Chris wastes no time making out with Britt. This pisses Jade off, who decides it is time to make a move. So she asks him to give her a tour of his bachelor pad. Of course, Chris can't deny this chance to have more of the kissing/groping. They test out the bed to make sure it's comfortable, and then they make out and he grabs her ass a bit. All the while she is wearing these really fancy heels that seem like a bit much for a pool party.

Meanwhile, Jillian Michaels decides to make her big move and waits outside of his bachelor pad in the hot tub. They black out her ass again. LOL this is too much.

So Jade and Chris come out, Jade goes back to the party, Chris goes to the hot tub with Jade's lipstick still on his face and wastes no time making out with Jillian then.

Soon enough the three dumbest girls in the competition: Mackenzie, Megan, and Ashley I arrive, looking for some time with Chris. Ashley I (Kardashian) is REALLY REALLY stressed that she won't get any time with Chris and they awkwardly all sit in the hot tub together as Ashley mumbles about how they will make their time equal. However, Jillian isn't letting up. Ashley takes this as a personal attack, thinking that Jillian should be letting her have her time. Ashley then storms off and cries like a twelve year old who didn't get her turn to sing karaoke at the sleepover party.

It just amazes me how obvious these girls are when they fight over Chris. It's actually really sad to watch.


Chris, being the nice guy he is, finds Ashley I after she's had a full on emotional breakdown like an immature child and they have some time together. She begins cry-laughing like a lunatic. She is so caught up on not having enough time with Chris and how Jillian wouldn't let her have time that she brings that up to Chris, who clearly doesn't know what to do or say. He tries to say he understands...but I mean who could understand this nut job? Ashley doesn't know what to do or say, so she just grabs him and begins making out with him again...sucking his face...I mean literally. There was a lot of suction.

She is definitely going to look back on her time on this show and regret how insane she acted. At least I hope she realizes.

And Chris CLEARLY does not know how to say no.

Yuck, what a fucking mess.

Finally, the rose ceremony arrives (don't forget Kaitlyn, Becca, and Whitney already have roses):

1- Jade (he wants to tests more mattresses with you)
2- Samantha (who is this?)
3- Juelia (best party pooper ever)
4- Mackenzie (the  one who looks and acts 15, mother of Kale)
5- Kelsey (where have you been, girl?)
6- Hollywood Britt (she gives this look like 'duh, of course he's picking me' and it's kind of annoying tbh how she thinks she has this in the bag)
7- Megan (just the most)
8- Carly ("you're a man, I'm a woman")
9- Ashley S (okay...seriously Chris...Jesus..)
10- Nikki (who?!)
11- Jillian Michaels
Jimmy Kimmel comes out to let everyone know that this will be the final rose, Papa Harrison watches from the hallway proudly, but also excited for Jimmy to leave soon
12- Ashley I. (Kardashian...eugh)

We say goodbye to Trina, Tracy, Amber, and I think one other irrelevant. They focus on Amber crying and upset. She says she has nothing to say. I feel really awful because once again, the black woman is kicked off. It's like have they ever had ANY contestants or god forbid a bachelor/ette that hasn't been 100% white? It's really actually alarming and annoying. I'm sorry Amber, I'm sorry that this show fucking sucks.

Losers of the night:
Ashley I in a big way. She's solidified herself as perhaps being even crazier than Ashley S. Way to go.
Mackenzie everything about her now annoys me. It's time to go, Curly Sue.
Nikki and Samantha because I STILL DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE.
Jillian's ass. For all those workouts and how much she brags it sucks the world will never see it. Thanks producers.

Winners of the night:
Plow My Fields Kaitlyn for clearly being one of Chris's favorites
Whitney the Sperm Nurse...FOR SURE the front runner now.
Becca for being the only one not to kiss Chris.

Number of times Chris made out with someone tonight:
At least 7

Brow games that were strong:
3, and negative points for Carly

Number of times I felt uncomfortable:

Until next time,


stay safe

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Betchy Bachelor Monday: Bachelor Chris Week 2

Alright friends. We've got a lot to cover.
Sorry that I'm posting so late but I was watching an American football game of great importance to me on Monday.
Go Bucks.

So this week we start off where we left last week with that major cliffhanger. Kimberly decided that she wanted to go back inside after being rejected by Bachelor Chris and whimper her way back into the house. She basically begs him to let her back in, and they are talking outside. She's very weepy, and apparently it is a different time because it is daytime. She is thirsty for some farmer. How can he say no, right? I mean: how awkward.

Of course, Bachelor Chris being the nice guy that he is, gives her a chance. They go back into the house and the girls are all like "wtf?" and Bachelor Chris informs them all that he will be letting Kimberly stay another week. The girls then proceed to all cheer and act happy, when inside THEY ARE SEETHING. You can just tell.

I mean who would be happy?
That's not really fair, and more competition after all.

Papa Harrison pulls Bachelor Chris aside for one of their fireside chats/pep talks. Harrison asks Chris if he remembers anything from the night before to which he responds, "it was all a blur"
OKAY. Was literally every single person fucking wasted at this first cocktail party?

Bachelor Chris then talks about how he is the 'luckiest man on earth', trust me Chris, I've seen these psychos. You are not lucky.
He then proceeds to say, "I'm given the greatest opportunity any man in the world could ever have."
Really, Chris? The greatest in the world?
I'm not so sure about THAT.

I personally just think it's been a while since he's gotten laid and he's kind of horned up.

Papa Harrison then goes in to talk to all the gals. He asks them what they all think of Chris, and of course, they all begin gushing like One Direction fangirls (not that I have any room to talk...I LOVE YOU HARRY STYLES) They each take turns talking about great Chris is.
Would you be comfortable with this?
I mean, here you are, sitting in a room with a bunch of other women who are probably prettier than you and have probably had a lot more sex than you and probably haven't eaten a whole five pound hershey bar in one sitting...FIGHTING OVER the same guy you are interested in.
I still can't understand it.

Harrison informs the girls that Bachelor Chris actually lives right down the driveway in his own private little house. The girls freak the fuck out. Apparently, this is unheard of. Of course the producers want Chris to be having lots of sex this season. Was that apart of the farmer's contract?

Also, his shower is outside.
This won't be problematic at all.

The first date card arrives and Jillian Michaels wastes no time grabbing it. The first group date goes to: Jade, Tandra, Ashley I, Mackenzie, Kimberly, and Tara (not that these names mean anything to me at this point, I seem to have no recollection of these girls from last week)
The other girls who don't get the date are PISSED like their time isn't coming.
The card reads like "are you ready to get country?" or something stupid like that. So anyways, they all end up at some hotel in a pool..which I'm pretty sure is where every first group date has ever been.
I don't see what is so country about this.
The girls are very, very excited.
Bachelor Chris exclaims, "Let's have a pool party!" like a bunch of horny teens, which reminds me of a pool party I attended in 7th grade where my friend got her boobs felt for the first time...there are just way too many hormones.
I mean putting all of those self obsessed, self proclaimed hot girls in one pool together with a guy they are fighting over? I'm telling you. Nightmare.
Has there ever been a pool party on The Bachelorette?

Anyways. Kimberly manages to steal Chris away for a few moments and tries to redeem herself from her pathetic groveling AFTER HE HAD ALREADY REJECTED HER MIND YOU. (this is everything wrong with girls...crawl, crawl, crawl on back even WHEN WE ARE NOT WANTED I HATE IT)
She tries to win him over again by having a re-introduction. And it's awkward as fuck. I mean, they are sitting their in their bathing suits acting like this is fine and normal. IT IS NOT.
I always hate that in movies and stuff when people are like "I think we got off to a bad start, let's try this again..." like no. It doesn't work like that.
If you don't like someone, you don't like them. AmIRight?

Meanwhile...back at Bachelor Mansion....
Megan and Jillian go and sneak into Chris's house, and I feel like they were probably having a pool party of their own, doing some day drinking, or maybe some heavy drugs. Megan rams her head into different walls while wearing Chris's motorcycle helmet charmingly (not) and why are they blurring Jillian's ass out? Is she not wearing bottoms? Is there an offensive bush down there? I'm confused.

Back to the date.
After the pool party, Chris leads the girls through the city of downtown LA...mind you, while still wearing their bikinis. They're all kind of like 'wtf is going on?' then Chris shows them a bunch of tractors that they're going to be racing through downtown LA.
Then they're all like "lol"
It's like Mario Kart porn for rednecks.
So the girls line up and begin their tractors, only to find that tractors have one speed: slow as fuck.
Chris adorably mimics them and their determination.
The wannabe Kardashian, Ashley I. wins the race, also wins a few minutes alone with Chris.
Wow, what an accomplishment.
What I find interesting is that this clearly NOT country girl beats out all of these other girls who are pretending to be country.

Meanwhile...back at Bachelor Mansion...
Juelia tells the tragic story of her daughter's father's suicide :(
she begins crying to the girls and automatically ups herself to one of my favorites when she says she is here for Chris's character--that's what she found attractive about him. And I thought that was commendable since all the other women are just like "YEAH I'M HERE BECAUSE HE'S HOT."

Back to the date.
Ashley and Chris talk for a while about God knows what. Meanwhile, Mackenzie, the young mother of Kale, is very insecure and whines like a child that she hasn't gotten any attention from Chris. Chris comes back to the gals and tells them that he feels awkward because group dates are always an awkward situation.
Couldn't agree more.
You're on a date with six women.
I've been saying that was awkward for years.

So now comes the time Chris must choose who he wants to proceed on the one on one date with. To my surprise, he chooses Mackenzie. She acts 'SO FLATTERED', giggles. Tara then starts crying to the camera saying she "always walks away empty handed" and I'm pretty sure this girl has some self esteem issues that The Bachelor is profiting off of.
Chris and Mackenzie go on their date. Mac is super bubbly and acts really shocked every time he compliments her, which okay, come on girl, pull it together.
Talking to Mackenzie is like talking to a 21 year old girl who is completely clueless about the world and the way conversation works.
She tells Chris, "I haven't been on a date in sOOOooooOOOOoo long!"
Chris is like "how long?" and she goes "like...a year" and he goes "uh, yeah that's not too bad."
That's not sooOOOOOoooooOOo long, but maybe long to someone who was born in 1994.
Anyways. She's very clearly super nervous. She tells Chris he has a beautiful, large nose. She then asks him if he believes in aliens. Which, okay, in her defense, I would probably ask on a first date, too. You've got to figure out who you're dealing with. AmIRight?
We realize that she is so nervous because she's weary about telling Chris about her son, Kale.

"Like, like okay..this is so like kind of like hard," she starts and I want to pull my hair out. She is so clearly too young for this.
Of course, she tells him, and of course he is super supportive.
Then he gives her the rose, they dance and kiss, even though Chris said he wasn't sure how he felt about her and that she freaked him out a little with the alien compliment...she'll go on for another week.

Back at the mansion the girls get the second date card aka the one-on-one date card.
Megan gets the card, but instead of thinking the card is an invitation to a date, she thinks it is a private love letter from Chris...that all the girls read in front of her?
Doesn't she know how this works?
Did she bang her head too hard on those walls in Chris's bachelor pad?
Mackenzie comes back from her date then and tells the girls the precise amount of times she and Chris kissed. The girls pretend to be excited.

Megan claims that "she can't believe that out of 23 girls, she was the first one to get a one-on-one date card!" and yeah, neither can we.
So Chris picks Megan up, and we get to see our first helicopter ride of the season. Heli-date.
"OMG THIS IS SO AMAZING, I AM SO LUCKY" - Megan (repeat x35)
They arrive at their destination: the Grand Canyon, which Megan thinks are the Pyramids.
NO I'm just kidding!
Megan and Chris share a nice moment in which Megan reveals that shortly after she found out she would be on the show, her father passed away after a fatal heart attack :(
A lot of tragedy this season.
Chris says, "I'm so lucky you're here" WHICH IS SO UNCOMMON AND UNLIKELY for a Bachelor/ette to say! I found that to be quite sweet.
They kiss and he offers her the rose. She doesn't know what that means.
NO I'm just kidding, again!

Alright so finally, we get to the last group date which includes: Kelsey, Trina, Alissa, Tracy, Jillian, Becca, Amber, Ashley S, Juelia, Katelyn, and Britt (if that means anything to you)
So the girls arrive in this limo to this haunted house/forest deal. Everyone is afraid to get out of the car because the zombies are attacking. They're all falling all over each other, screaming.
Ashley S and her crazy eyes look like she's ready to peace out of the car all together.
"They're all hugging each other. What, do they think they're actually going to get killed? Please" -mom
This is when the door opens and Chris pops his head in. The girls scream.
"OH IT'S ONLY YOU CHRIS HAAAH!" (manic laughter)

Chris reveals that on this date they will all get paint guns which they will use to shoot the zombies.
NOW THIS IS MY KIND OF DATE (walking dead fan)
Ashley S decides she would rather shoot the girls. The other women are a bit nervous, to say the least.
So they continue on through this course and everytime a zombie pops up, all the girls scream and shoot, scream and shoot. I mean, they would make TERRIBLE zombie hunters. But whatever.

Ashley decides she wants to take this VERY seriously. Like, I'm almost wondering if she was a SEAL or something the way she goes after them. Or maybe just a ruthless killer. She was enjoying shooting the zombies after they'd already been "dead."
She then exclaims "I feel like I'm in the Mesa Verde," with complete seriousness.

You guys.

I think she might have legitimately broken out of an insane asylum. I had no idea the casting directors did calls in the hospitals for the criminally insane.

Meanwhile...back at the mansion...
All the girls get shitfaced and do facials. Jordan gets shitfaced, in particular. She decides she wants to attempt to twerk. I don't know about you, but you don't just TRY to twerk on national television, or in a bar, or in front of people. you have to know what you're doing.
She doesn't, of course, and it's embarrassing, but I also feel like I am Jordan every weekend.
she then talks drunken shit about Jillian Michaels' hairy butt.

Back to the date.
After the zombie hunting, Chris takes some time with each of the girls. While the girls wait for their turn, they are all gathered around some couches, bonding over their fear of Ashley S, who is staring at a candle saying that it looks like an 'angel'
I can't even believe what I'm typing.
I mean, this girl is probably really actually on drugs and has some sort of problem. I feel bad for even making fun of her anymore.
Meanwhile, "Plow My Fields" Katelyn thinks she is really funny and cool  (don't we all?) with annoying ass voice. She reminds me of a post Hannah Montana, pre Bangerz Miley Cyrus.  She makes a few cheesy jokes that Chris probably pretends to like. She reveals to Chris that before this she lived in Germany with her ex boyfriend and that she didn't like or want to live there. So I suppose living in the middle of nowhere Iowa is a happy alternative.
They smack lips together and there's a lot of suction.
Microphone lip suction.

We go back to the Ashley S saga. She's acting so weird and creepy, I feel like she's GOT to be fucking with these girls. Right??
Op, nevermind. She acted the same way during her one-on-one time with Chris. He really genuinely tried to keep up with her conversationally, but how could you?
Ashley asks him if he wants to play hide and seek and then asks him if this is Mesa Verde again (she's really hooked on this) and he responds, whispering "Mesa Verde?" with utter confusion. She giggles manically.
He claims he is having a really hard time understanding her.

Is she real? Is she an actress? Is she on drugs? I don’t even want to touch this one, you guys. I mean in a sense this is everything I’d ever hoped for on this show, yet in another sense I’m legitimately traumatized. 
While Chris is talking about her in his diary room or whatever the fuck they call it on this show, Ashley comes up to him and dreamily tells him his leather smells good then he asks “how are you holding up?” and she goes “I don’t even know what you’re asking me right now”

It’s just a lot. I feel like this girl is definitely unstable and shouldn't be here probably. 

Finally, what we've all been waiting for:
Chris and Hollywood Britt get some time together. He tells her he's been THINKING ABOUT HER. WHAAAA?!
Sure, it was just a card that said 'free kiss from Chris' (OMG IT RHYMED) which isn't the most original thing in the world, but in the Bachelor world, this is a big deal. 
I really think Britt is the end game. Like we should just call this now. If she doesn't go far, I'd be shocked. 

Chris decides to throw everyone off and gives the rose to 'Plow my Fields' Katelyn. 

Chris and Sperm Nurse whose name I cannot remember right now have a little mini date together since she didn't get invited on any of the dates. She gives him whiskey (which is precisely what we all need right now...more drunken mistakes) 
I mean, this must be the Season of Whiskey. 
Also, I can't even believe her voice is real it's so high. I seriously hate it. Like I feel bad. I'm sure she's a nice person, but I want him to send her home so I don't have to hear that voice ever again in my life. 
Meanwhile, Ashley I. (Kardashian) is wearing the red outfit Jasmine wore when she was Jafar's prostitute, and telling the girls that she's never had a boyfriend, and never had sex. 
They're shocked by this. 
As we all are. 
If she's a virgin, I'M THE POPE, OKAY?
Alright, that was rude. I'm sure she's being truthful. 
Literally, moments later, Ashley is sitting on a couch with Chris, showing off her belly button ring, telling him that she is a genie, and if he rubs her ring she will grant him a wish. And she's a virgin. And then they kiss, but it's not really so much a kiss as an execution of the mouth. 
Maybe Ashley I is actually a virgin the way she is swallowing his face you would think she'd never kissed a man before in her life. 
Who is to know really?
All I know is that it was a veryyyyy disturbing kiss. And all the girls were watching. Don't blame them. 
Hollywood Britt feels jealous, and although she’s acting a little unreasonable considering she knows he is kissing other girls, I do genuinely think she’s upset and trying not to be. Also, unlike prior FIR winners, she doesn’t SEEM to be going around talking about how she’s the number one to any of the other girls. 
I'm really pulling for her, I just have a weird feeling still. 

The rest of the women are having a fucking frenzy. One girl asks Chris if she is allowed to kiss him and he is all like "Yes, absolutely!" LIKE HE WOULD SAY NO. He's kissing ERRRBODY. He's the Oprah of kisses.. everyone gets one. 
Meanwhile Jordan is still wasted. I'm pretty sure she has been completely drunk since the first cocktail party. Trina, the atypical southern bitch--I mean belle, says "Jordan, bless her heart, but she has had too much to drink" 
Which is, you know, pretty accurate. 
Jordan goes up to Chris and embarrasses herself horribly, running her fingers through her hair, making it a mess, telling him how she put lipstick on for him, all the while its smudging all about. 
This is exactly how I felt my entire senior year of college. 

Papa Harrison comes in to break up the circus and tell them that it's time to get down to business. 
"Wow...this is going to be hard. This is...a great bunch of girls(?)" Chris says, but is actually thinking "um can I please get another bunch and start over?" (nervously sweats)

Rose Ceremony time:
1- Hollywood Britt
2- Ashley I. aka Horny Princess Jasmine
3- Southern Belle Trina
4- Kelsey
5- Samantha
6- Juelia 
*At this point Jillian Michaels thinks that Chris has called her name. She walks forward, only to realize that he had called Juelia. But it gets worse. She trips on the rug and falls on her face. Everyone gasps. It's so awkward. Jillian cackles like a madwoman and claims that she is so embarrassed...AND SO AM I.*

7- Amber
8- Tracy
9- Jillian (this time she walks more carefully)
10- Jade
11- Nikki
12- Becca
13- Carlie/Karlie/Karly?
14- Brittany 

This show is unreal. 
He picked the lunatic who needs mental help. 
I can't even believe this. 
The producers HAD to have told him to keep Ashley S. 
That girl will murder them all before this season is over, mark my words. 

He sends Tara, The flight attendant (I think Alissa?), Jordan (who probably has no recollection of this entire experience), Kimberly (again...ouch), Tamra?

Kimberly feels REALLY rejected. I would, too. 
That is actually awful. I mean how bad must you have been to have gotten sent home before Ashley S?
Tara, meanwhile, takes it really hard and starts crying like she's been dating Chris for years. She feels like she will never find love. "I never really seem to be anyone's number 1," she cries, reminding me of every single emotional drunk girl I've ever hated.  SELF PITY ALERT "it will haunt me the rest of my life" she cries. OKAY GIRL, PULL IT THE FUCK TOGETHER RIGHT NOW!

dear LORD. 
This is a reality show. 

This is the season of utter lunatics, I swear it. 

Losers of the night:
Kimberly, in a big way
Already dead zombies
Any girl with the name Ashley

Winners of the night:
Katelyn coming out with the W on that group date
Megan for the first one-on-one date

Number of 'likes' Mackenzie said in a minute:

Brow games that were strong:

Number of times I felt uncomfortable:
120 (one time per minute)

Until next time, 
