Hey guys. Sorry this is, like, a week late. I want to say it's because I have a lot going on and that I have a life, but I've been doing nothing.
So, no excuses.
Here we go.
This week Ben brings us to Warsaw, Indiana, his HOMETOWN where he was born and grew into the sexy man we know today. I'm enjoying him in a nice leather jacket. My, oh my.
He embraces his parents lovingly which is SUPER cute.
I'd be curious to see a Bachelor that doesn't like his parents.
Ben updates his parents on the six women. Ben's dad finds the twin thing very comical. It's cute to hear him talk about them in such a positive way. So much so that I want to hear what he has to say about me, and we've never even met. Although I feel so close to him, you know?
The girls arrive in Warsaw and stand on a dock as Ben rolls up in this boat. They couldn't be more thrilled. He takes them for a ride on the lake. All of the girls talk about how they would be thrilled to move to Warsaw and raise a family (even though he currently lives in Denver, but whatever). But I find that comical since literally no one wanted to move to Chris's town last season.
Lauren B is very concerned about where this week will go after their debacle from the week before. THANKS A LOT LEA, YOU BITCH.
Not to fear: Bachelor Ben picks her for the first one-on-one date.
The other girls are HURT. Like they didn't see it coming.
Ben takes Lauren for a ride in some red pick up truck the found from the 70s. Doubtful that it's his. I'm sure this is what the producers on the Bachelor think everyone drives in Indiana. Ben shows Lauren his old high school where he played as a quarterback. She is very surprised to hear this.
Um, please, if you look up the definition of All American Quarterback on Wikipedia there is a picture of Ben Higgin's face in the info bar.
And then they have this adorable moment where he tells her about his first kiss in some movie theater. Lauren enjoys the story, and then they re-enact it and it's REALLY CUTE OKAY.
Meanwhile, back to the ladies who are sitting around in their Warsaw Home talking about Ben and whether or not they're ready to introduce Ben to their families. Amanda says that she is nervous to introduce him to her kids. Understandably so. I would be weary to introduce my boyfriend who has five other girlfriends to my two and three year old. How do you explain that one?
Ben takes Lauren to the youth center that he worked at. (OH GOD...CRYING) They begin to shoot some hoops and play around. Lauren B does wonderfully and is a huge hit. THEY'RE SO FREAKING CUTE. I die. Then they challenge one kid to make a half court shot, and if he does Ben has to kiss Lauren (what a loss!) Of course, the cute kid makes the shot, and Ben kisses Lauren in front of all the kids who squeal in delight.
I'm dead. Rolling on the ground.
Can they just get married now please?
Then Ben brings a bunch of NBA players in from the Pacers. Sorry I do not know them. Lauren says she is very starstruck because she has always loved basketball. Ben and Lauren play a little one on one bball with the Pacers as their coach. Lauren schools Ben with a nice hook shot. If that's a phrase. I don't know. I only played grade school basketball and I was awful (although I was the tallest girl on my team).
Anyways, this isn't about me.
Ben finds a kid crying in the corner and comforts him.
Honestly, I've had enough of this date.
It's too much.
Luckily, the cuteness ends and we get to go to Ben's "place" for drinks/dinner. I don't know how he has a place there if he doesn't live there, but I won't question this too much. Lauren wants to talk about what happened the week before. She says she doesn't know how to defend the statement because how could she prove it's not true? (It's too bad they can't show Ben the footage they have, then he could see it was all that conniving Lea's fault) Ben tells Lauren that he "trusts" her. Which I think means more like "I love you" but you know, I guess they aren't allowed to say that or something.
BUT WAIT. The date isn't over (with Ben's wife). They go to the local dive bar with either some of Ben's old friends or some paid actors (either way) and do some SHOTS.
Lauren B tells the camera that she is in love with Ben from Warsaw, Indiana and this is a big deal. And America is like, "yeah, so are we."
Moving on.
It's JoJo's time for her one-on-one. We find out that Ben is going to meet her in the Windy City, which is Chicago if you're a dumb ass and have never heard that phrase. JoJo gets out of her Uber Black and jumps on Ben, literally. Ben takes JoJo to Wrigley field because he's a huge Cubs fan. Of course he is.
They get the whole field to themselves. Nice.
Ben is geeking out.
They wear these jerseys: one says Mr. Higgins, the other says Mrs. Higgins. I wonder if Ben can keep the jerseys even if he doesn't pick JoJo, or if that would be awkward.
JoJo pitches him the ball and it's very Angels in the Outfield-esque. They're having a good old time. I mean, can you imagine the kind of trouble you could get into at an empty baseball field?
Meanwhile, back at the Lake House, the girls talk about how weary they are getting. Apparently real feelings have developed and it is very hard to see him go out with other women.
Like it hasn't been hard the whole time.
The group date card comes: Caila, Amanda, and Becca get the card...meaning Emily gets the one-on-one...which I'm kind of thankful for because I literally do not think he knows her at all. Emily starts crying, "I'm so sorry! This was just so unexpected! ((yeah we know)) I don't mean to take away from the group date!"
Back to JoJo and Ben who are literally laying on the grass of Wrigley, entangled together. It begins to rain, so of course, JoJo enjoys her Notebook moment and jumps into his arms for a nice kiss. JoJo claims that she is a little bit held back because she has trust issues. Don't we all, man.
Apparently, the rain has let up because there is a small table set up suddenly in the middle of the field. Ben and JoJo change into their date garb.
They talk about JoJo's fears and emotional issues - and how she pulls away a lot. I haven't really noticed that..? But what do I know? It's not like I'm on these dates with them.
JoJo makes a good point that she needs to feel safe in order to drop her guard. This situation makes that impossible. I mean, he's dating other women with the hope of the end result being marriage. That is so insane. How is she supposed to open up like that? How can any of them? Is he? I would like to say that's a little unfair.
I suppose the date ends in some sort of resolve...? I guess.
The three-on-one group date begins. They take a limo to a farm where Ben is waiting. Unlike the other dates this week, there is a date rose on this one. They pair up and take some boats around the pond. Amanda and Becca get in one boat and Ben and Caila get in the other. Amanda and Becca are annoyed. These group dates are getting so awkward, man. The girls are no longer dealing with the BS, and Ben is trying his best.
Ben admits that there is a lot of "weight" to this rose because it means that he will for sure be moving on to next week and meeting their family during hometowns...and also, the other two women will leave the date.
Talk about rejection.
I hope it's Amanda.
Speaking of - he steals Amanda away to talk. They go sit on a bunch of hay by a tractor. Which I would not be able to do because I am actually deathly allergic to hay, I think. But again, this isn't about me. They talk about her kids.
Next, he takes Becca aside. She talks about how stressed she's been and insecure. She is looking for reassurance which he can't really give. She says that just because she hasn't started crying and having an emotional breakdown doesn't mean she's not freaking out. That's right: keep it all inside, girl.
And finally, Ben has his time with Caila. Let's see if she's able to talk herself out of something again this week. Caila tells Ben she isn't sure she has roots in regards to her hometown because she has moved so much in her life. Ben asks her if she thinks she could see herself settling down and staying somewhere for a while - she responds with that she believes she has been "molded to be adaptable." Which is understandable - but definitely not the response I think Ben was looking for.
Ben decides to give the rose awkwardly to Amanda.
Becca and Caila are real upset.
So awkward. So so...so awkward.
For the first time, maybe, ever...we see Becca cry :(
I find it interesting that Becca and Caila don't talk at all, even though they know exactly what the other is going through rejection-wise.
They get back to the house and the other girls do the best they can to comfort them.
Meanwhile, back to the date. Ben takes Amanda to do normal things to with him. He takes her to McDonald's, and they eat...then Ben asks if they can work the drive-thru. The McDonald's employees are very thrilled. This is hilarious. I can only imagine a sad Thursday night when I just want a Big Mac and two hashbrowns, so I go through the drive-thru with shame in my pajama pants and fucking Ben Higgins and his potential wife are serving me.
I would die.
Ben then takes Amanda to a carnival. Did Warsaw do this just for Ben..? Or was this already casually happening??
They eat some funnel cake, ride some rides, Ben screams in terror which only makes me love him more.
Ben is for sure your typical midwestern guy - I would know because I;ve had a crush on Ben Higgins, or at least the Ben Higgin's type for all of time.
The next morning, Amanda and Lauren B. discuss things - which I find cute because they are both his future wives. Can he marry them both?
Meanwhile, Emily and Ben's date begins. He takes her on a boat I guess. Emily is very excitable. We find out he is going to take her to meet his family. Which I think is sooo wild. The girls back at the Lake House throw a little shade and Caila calls Emily a wide-eyed puppy who is not ready for love.
So, there you have it.
Ben takes Emily to his parent's home, where a bunch of embarrassing pictures are hanging up of him. Emily is super nervous when she meets his parents. Ben's mom takes Emily aside for some chit-chat. Emily babbles about. It's slightly cringe-worthy. She talks about wanting to be a cheerleader for the NFL and can't wait to be a good mother..and how's she's finding herself as a woman, blah, blah. Then she goes to tell Ben's dad that she doesn't like vegetables and how she loves movies. Ben's mom takes Ben aside and voices her concerns over the uncertainty of Emily.
It becomes very apparent on this one-on-one that Emily is immature and not ready to get married, just like Caila said (although Caila is one to talk).
He docks the boat and they talk on a bench outside of the Lake House. Ben decides that he does not think he can see Emily has his wife (which IS the point of this).
He tells Emily this and she is totally blindsided. I feel bad, because you can literally see the happy light leave her eyes. :\
Meanwhile, the girls are watching from the window. They are trying to analyze what is happening, just as I am.
I think what's nice about this though is that we finally really get to see Ben break up with someone, and not just send someone home by not giving them a rose. Sometimes, these Bachelors must answer for their crimes, you know. So I appreciate that.
Emily cries to the girls and they all start fucking crying.
Come on, we are all surprised Emily has made it this far, let's be real.
Sorry to sound like a bitch but it's true.
You can't come in to this with your twin sister and expect to be taken seriously!
That's a fucking joke. Come on.
Let's get on to the Rose Ceremony.
Can't wait to see Papi H, I've missed him.
I think they're meeting in a church?
Or Town Hall?
Ben is sitting on the steps outside as the girls wait. He is really contemplative. Papi comes to hear him out. Ben has no idea what to do. Papi rubs his chin and is like "hmm, I see..." and gives him some wise advice. He asks, "can you see yourself marrying all of these women?"
And Ben basically shrugs.
Which means no.
Rose Time!
(remember Amanda is already safe and with rose)
1- Lauren B
2- JoJo
3- Caila
I don't want to see Becca cry again.
I feel like she is for sure going to be the next Bachelorette. Right?
I can't believe he kept Caila over Becca. I mean, he FOR SURE won't pick Caila to be his wife.
I think Becca is too much like the other girls he's always dated, and maybe that's why he didn't ever really connect with her.
Well. Hometowns are next week, can't wait.
I'll try to get the blog up closer to the time after the show airs.
Until then,
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