I hope you all had a splendid weekend full of fun and whatnot.
Before I start I just want to thank everyone for reading my blog the other week. I know it's been quite a while and I was very impressed with the hits the site got even though the blog probably sucked. So thanks!
Tonight's blog probably will suck too, but I promise I'm going to work on better material asap.
I just wanted to talk about shopping.
You know, I love it...but as I get older the pain it causes me becomes greater and greater. I actually get somewhat depressed after leaving the store and realizing I've spent more than ten dollars. It's sick, and wrong...I shouldn't feel the guilt but I do.
If you are one of those people that doesn't feel bad at all after shopping, I commend you. And I also wish I was you.
I want to talk about how absolutely hard it is to shop with someone when they are buying a ton of stuff and you are not. Sometimes it can be fun to be the wingwoman and help your girl pick out outfits and jewelry and shit you desperately want but cannot have. Selfish, I know.
Especially when you are hungry. There's nothing worse than shopping with someone else when you are starved and would rather be shoving your face in one of those pretzel dogs from Auntie Ann's as opposed to helping your friend chooes between the navy and the dark blue blazer (YES THEY ARE DIFFERENT, REALLY...)
Sometimes the only reason to go is mall food--like Sarku...always worth the trip...that GIFT FROM GOD. Arigato.
But at the end of the day, it really is a fun bonding experience. Unless you're shopping for her contraception..then it's no bueno. There's nothing better than a little girl talk about how much you hate your boyfriend or your boss as you browse through thirty dollar nail polish colors that neither of you really could afford but pretend you can.
Speaking of pretending to afford things that you cannot, have you ever stepped into a boutique, or like, Lucky Jeans and felt just SO uncomfortable?
You know, like when there are no other customers in there and all three of the compeltely perfect model-type workers approach you and are all like "can I help you with anything?" and you feel super bad because you just were looking for a dress for some wedding you're invited to, but the cheapest one they have is about $400.
"Nope, just browsing, thanks!"
Feeling like this in Anthropologie
They don't have one.
And if they do, you'll get a tank top for $65 dollars as opposed to $95.
Maybe I just live a very different life than most people who decide that they just want to go to Guess and buy a new pair of denim shorts for 125 bucks.
I'm sorry I just went off on a huge rant...the above stuff isn't even the blog topic. I've also probably lost many fans because I'm talking like a Valley girl/Cher from Clueless.
The main reason I wanted to write this blog.
Back on track.
The main reason I wanted to write this blog was because I felt extremely, extremely sad as I was shopping at Forever 21 last weekend because this poor girl was dragging her boyfriend along with her.
Now, before I continue, let me just say that I do think it's adorable when guy's take their girls shopping and I don't think everyone that does it is a complete freak. It's very sweet and kind and whatever.
When your boyfriend is clearly not into it, that's when there is a problem.
I always feel so bad because a-the guy is miserable and so out of his element and looks like he would rather be getting a root canal than helping you pick between the peep toe pump as opposed to the mary-jane's. And b-it makes me feel like maybe, just maybe, the girl doesn't have any girl friends to shop with.
I find that shopping for clothes, as mediocre and perhaps shallow some people may see it, is a great way for females to bond with one another and a great way to relieve some stress.
If one is dragging their boyfriend along it makes me just go into my brain and discover this whole, sad saga of their life.
Take me shopping, you bastard.
They pushed all of their friends away and instead of going out and having fun on a Friday night with her girls, she forces her boyfriend to give up his plans to play poker with the boys and take her shopping. Maybe the girls entice them with sex, or worse, maybe the boy has pushed all of his friends away too.
I just feel terrible about it and it makes me so sad.
There is still time to fix this though!
If you are one of these girls or feel like you may be becoming one of these girls, it's not too late!
I have decided, that, like match.com I am going to come up with a best friend finder site!
It's for all those girls out there who need a girl to go bra shopping with. Seriously, this will be great. It can save sooo many relationships, I love it!
A girl who just moved to a new city, a newly single girl, a girl who realized her friends are all raging, terrible ass holes and wants to start fresh...well, now she can!
If Helga Pataki can find a BFF, anyone can! :)
findmeabffshoppingbuddy.com ....will be the domain name. I just need a financial backer, a website designer, and some professional background checkers to make sure we're not putting serial killers or girls who have a bunch of life-like dolls as children on there.
So if anyone is interested, get at me.
Maybe you thought this blog was dumb. Maybe you're sitting there saying, "me and my boyfriend go out shopping all the time, and he loves it! and I have lots of friends, you stupid bitch" or "Shopping is stupid, stop being a shallow whore." In that case, stop calling me a bitch and whore, it's mean...and also, that's fine. Then just ignore this blog and go read another one (preferably one about trying to be a more relatable person).
But I really do think that the most important thing for growth is having friends, and a great way for girls to be friends and have fun is to shop--even if you're only in it for the dip-n-dots at the end.
Hope you enjoyed! If not, I'll do better next time :)
Until next time,
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