Hey All!
Hope everyone is having a fabulous week thusfar. I'm doing alright, thanks for asking.
Today I want to talk about an awkward encounter that happened to me. Usually when these things happen I only hear about them but never actually think they could happen to me. Well, today it did.
I was standing at the bus stop, waiting when this girl starts casually talking to me. I find it strange because usually no one interacts whilst waiting at the bus station. It's kind of like an unwritten rule that you just don't talk to people. You pretend to be talking on your cell phone or texting someone important--but you never actually interact with real people.
That would be awkward.
Anyways. Today this girl was talking to me and I thought it was a bit weird because she was talking about a chicken alfredo recipe or something. Then, all of the sudden she starts talking about other things, and including names of people that I do not know. That's when things got really weird. She mentioned a story about this girl, Val who was studying abroad in Spain right now and how we should all get together when she gets back.
This is when I realized that the girl thought I was someone else.
It's kind of like when you're at the store and some little old lady comes up to you thinking that you're your mother or something.
Well, it was kind of like that, but not.
I didn't know how to continue going about the conversation.
There's no way I could just come out and tell her that I wasn't who she thought I was. I'm just Kaitie (two i's), not this other mystery girl that she thinks I am.
At this point, though it would've been very uncomfortable if I would have said "Hey, what the fuck are you talking about?"
Because the girl was nice and I'm not a dick.
So I just pretended.
Nodding, smiling, laughing along with her stories about alfredo and her roommates that I apparently know.
To say I was beyond relieved that the bus came would be an understatement.
As I drove home I got very excited thinking that somewhere in the world (in the very, very near world) I have a twin!
Or maybe this bus-stop girl has really, really terrible observational skills.
That's also a high possibility.
I also got to thinking of this "other Kaitie" and began creating this alternate personality for my twin.
Don't think I'm crazy.
Her name would be Shelly (because I think it's cute, and it reminds me of happy people)...she'd have naturally tan skin from her Latin heritage (in that case she wouldn't be my twin..but you get it). She would be a Journalism major with a minor in PR and Spanish. She'd be highly intelligent and wear a size 4 in pants. She'd love to knit and watch Golden Girls in her spare time. She's been dating her boyfriend, Todd for three years and they're crazy about each other. Todd's in a band that's traveling around England currently (he's going to stop in Spain to visit her at some point). She has three best friends, one is brunette, one is blonde, and the other is a red head and they all have names that start with L. The four of them have sleepovers all the time and are comfortable enough to not wear pants in front of each other, they also braid each other's hair all the time. Those kind of friends.
Shelly has a job all lined up after school in Boston, where she will begin her exciting career working for a pubishing firm.
She's really good at public speaking and makes up her own cupcake recipes in her spare time. She is also a C cup.
Sometimes, when she's bored she likes to whip out her favorite copy of Pride & Prejudice and just reads it. She was homecoming queen in high school and also leader of the debate team. She got to shake Hillary Clinton's hand once and knows how to play the viola.
Shelly rarely gets sick and follows her day-planner for everything.
She is quite athletic, too and was on the swimming team in high school. She swims every morning as a good work out.
Shelly is crafty, scrapbooks, and makes decorations for her apartment by hand.
She also has a fat weiner dog named 'The Hoff' and wears Vera Wang perfume.
Basically, Shelly is perfect.
But she's got her flaws too. She's afraid of spiders and riding horses. (She had a tragic accident as a child involving horses where she injured her tail bone--it took a long time to recover). She also got fired from her job working at a restaurant because she told off her manager for being a dickwad (not that that is a bad thing though, you go girl).
I want to be Shelly.
Shelly and I are twins...she's just a more petite version that works out, is Latina, and has social skills.
But! If I try, I can be more like Shelly. We can all be more like Shelly!
So that's my other identity.
Now I encourage all of you to go out and create your own alternate identity (preferably someone who has a lot of talent and not many flaws). It will be fun! And it will also make you feel inadequate, but that is okay!
Until next time,
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