Hey folks! Hope that everyone is having a grand start to their week. I know that it's getting close, if not already, finals time for many of my college readers. And I wish you all great luck on that endevour. I know I will be studying and writing my little butt off all this week and next so this may be my last post for a while. However, I want to just continue to say thanks for reading and caring (well, maybe you don't really care but you really need something to help you procrastinate, in that case...you...are welcome). I'm officially at 600 views! Once I get to 1000 I may post a video of a dance scene of some sort, or maybe something equally ridiculous that people can make fun of me for.
Alright. To the topic, we go!
The topic for today has been done before, I know, and it's also the subject for the classic film: Mean Girls. It's called "Girls Hating Girls"...why do we do this? The answer is not truly clear for anyone. Women wonder why men think we're so crazy, here it is.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that all women hate each other until proven otherwise. Maybe this isn't all true, but I have enough evidence to make this claim.
For example.
While out with your girlfriends/guy friends in da club, or at Dave -n- Busters, whatever there happen to be a big group of girls that all seem to find a way to get invited. One of these girls inevitably is "talking to" or "hitting on" your "man".
Girl 1: Ugh, do you see that girl's heels? Can you say 'whore'?
Girl 2: Yeah totally.
Girl 1: I mean, who does she think she is?
Girl 2: Apparently, she thinks she's pretty hot.
Girl 1: Yeah, she's not at all. Ew! Her teeth are so fu**ed up and that nose...and come on, you can totally tell that she's going to be fat in five years.
Girl 2: And her bronzer is sick. It stops at her neck, I hate that.
Girl 1: Me too. She's such a bitch-whore.
(at this point the girl comes up)
Girl 3: Hey girls!
Both: (overly enthused) HEYYYY!
Girl 1: Cute heels!
Girl 3: Thanks! They were on sale at DSW. (smiles and walks away)
Girl 1: Trashy whore.
Girl 2: Oompa Loompa. Who wears peep toes in the winter?
^Come on girls, you know you've done it or at least know someone who has done it to some degree. We just HATE each other for NO reason. Maybe it's that whole 'animal instinct' thing where we feel intimidated by one another for being as pretty or prettier than us. Who knows.
All I know is that men do not have the same problem at all. If they don't like someone, they simply do not associate with them. Yet, here we sit, pretending to love each other and be all "she's my girl!" to her face then behind her back be like "was it just me, or is she totally gaining the lb's?"
We're really mean to each other.
Another example.
I have a pal, we'll call her Rita. Rita and I go to a party together and there are all these sorority girls there (not saying anything bad about sorority girls! many are very kind) and a few have on semi-short dresses/skirts/low cut shirts.
Rita turns to me, disgusted, talking about how slutty these girls are and how you can see their butt cheeks and all that. It's true. The skirts are short and ridiculous, yet deep inside I KNOW Rita is really regretting wearing those skinny jeans when she could be wearing her short, tight, black skirt. We both know this, but don't say it.
The next weekend Rita wears a skirt and is once agains satisfied with life. That night she talked crap about girls who were wearing tank tops, though...
When it comes to girls, you just can't win.
You have your group of friends and that is it. Everyone else is an awful human being that is either a 1- bitch 2- slut 3- whore 4- or any combo of the three (i.e. "Slore" "Bitch Whore" "Slutty Bitch" "Slutty Ho")
Girls, this is simply appalling behavior.
Why do we feel the need to do this to one another?
NOW I am not in any way implying that every girl is an angel, but everyone deserves respect, especially when you don't know them at all. Girls shouldn't hate each other until proven otherwise, it should be the other way around, am I correct?
Some girls have mastered that. Some girls don't care either way. Some girls just claim "I get along better with guys anyways, I'm a guy's girl!" (yeah, whatever.....like any of us buy that ish, all that really means is that you can't keep any good girl friends because you're a bitch, am I right? <<<--- see, that was mean). Any way you put it, some girls just don't give a crap about each other. Good for you.
If a girl is a beeyotch, then she is one. We don't need to go around saying it behind her back all the time. Because most likely, everyone already knows she is one.
Let's put this into perspective.
If you were out with your friends and you heard some average male "bro" type call a girl a slutty whore, would you laugh or be pissed? If you laugh, then you need to re-evaluate yourself because congratulations you just sent sexism back another 50 years. By calling each other these names, we are encouraging guys to do it too. To that I say... "AW HELL NAW!" (NeNe Leaks-Real Housewife of Atlanta). Guys like us when we are fighting with eachother, it gives them entertainment and keeps us from thinking of the true "enemy" which is them (That sounded bad..I'm not a man-hater, I swear).
Here is my challenge to all of you, and MYSELF especially included, next time you see a girl dressed in a provacative way or even just breathing wrong (as they so often do when they're slores < oops!) bite your damn tongue. Don't say a word, don't tweet about it, don't make an annoying facebook status about it, don't even freaking think it! Let it go. Breathe out. Breathe in. Very good. I'm so proud.
You're allowed to hate people. People are morons and so often do deserve to be disliked, but you should respect people, especially fellow women.
As Ginger Spice always said "Girl Powaa!"
Until Next Time,
Kaitie xo
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