Hello, and happy Sunday. I hope everyone is having/had a pleasant weekend. I sure didn't. Only joking, sort of. Today, I am in hyper-procrastination mode. I did get some things done though, in my defense. I filed my nails and deleted my text messages. Big. Day.
Since I'm in such a procrastinating mood, I decided hey! I'll write a blog. So here I am. A few things to talk about. First up. Restaurants on Saturday nights.
First of all, let me just start out by saying that if you plan on going to a restaurant on a Saturday night after 6pm and do not have a reservation, you are an idiot and are setting yourself up for an hour and a half long wait. Unless you to go TGIF!Fridays or some shit like that. Even that is a wait. Or maybe you are prepared to wait. In that case, I reccommend eating a granola bar before you go out because it will be about two hours till you actually eat.
As stated above, don't go to a semi-nice restaurant after 6pm on a Saturday and expect to just walk right on in. I'm one of those idiots. My friend and I decided to have a girls night out (WOO!) and went to this Hibachi place.
The wait for two people was over an hour and a half.
We re-assessed the situation and called ahead to PF Changs at 6:30. They said they could get us in at 8. So whatever. We were totally not wasting our outfits. I put on mascara, for the love of God, I was NOT about to go eat McDonald's. You don't just waste mascara for nothing. OH and I was wearing heels--which never happens because I'm 6' 2" with them.
So we drove to PF Changs aka the most American Chinese food restaurant on the planet. Which I love. (woo! America!) We get to the plaza early so we're walking around, pretending to want to shop, but both of our stomachs are raging with anger. I am continuously burping up the hummus I had at 1 pm. Sorry, gross, I know.
I debate whether or not to look for Christmas gifts, since you know, I'm here and all. But then I panic and decide that I'd rather wait till December 20th at least, just so that I can be involved in a high-stress/panic situation because I thrive off of misery.
We head over at 7:45 and our table is not ready. I'm not mad. I just take it in stride. My friend however is getting cranky much like a baby when they go too long without eating. "Why can't anyone scoot over and let us sit?" she asks angrily, loud enough for all to hear, including getting us a few mean looks. I look over at the benches with elderly folk and families who look like they have been waiting for an hour and wish I could just tell her to shut the fuck up. But that's only because I'm crabby too and we didn't deserve the bench. Those people--they deserved it. We just waltzed right in, barely had to wait for 5 minutes. We were "those" people.
Anyways, so they sit us at this table which is in extremely close proximity to a couple next to us. The couple does not match. He is loud, obnoxious, calls the waitress over every five seconds, asks about everything on the menu..you know the type. I'm guessing the woman he was with was a new girlfriend--perhaps they were on one of their first dates. You could totally just tell. She was this quiet, demure, secretary/teacher type that sat straight up and took very small bites of food. I was mesmerized by them and their weirdness. They didn't say much unless he was talking loudly about the food or his life or his car. It was perplexing.
I learned numerous things about eating out at PF Changs on a Saturday night.
A- There are a lot of interesting people eating dinner in a close proximity.
B- Lots of white people.
C- Waitresses want you up and out within an hour.
D- Don't ask for that extra cup of rice, you ass hole.
E- Don't order too much of their tea. I have this theory that it's spiked. We were wired for at least two hours after drinking it with giddiness and all around joy.
F- You say that spending almost $30 on yourself is worth it...but deep down you want to die.
G- God forbid it take you longer than 5 minutes to get your card in the check holder.
Seriously, we were done within an hour. So much for a fun, relaxing time at the restaurant. We had to keep moving so that poor family of six on the bench in the waiting area could be crammed onto a four top table next to someone who most likely is a loud, used car dealer, prick.
But, it's all in good fun.
NEXT TOPIC. Twihards.
I don't want to talk to much about this in fear that I may offend.
First and foremost, I like Twilight. I have nothing against it. I read it before it was popular, so I feel entitled to say that some people are just freaking too nuts about it. I must say, it's not the best writing. It's an interesting story...but come ON people...Breaking Dawn was like 800 pages of nothing except a teenage pregnancy and a whiny werewolf who marks his territory on a newborn.
I'm watching this youtube video with this bitch who is like crying with joy because she brushed Rob Pattinson's arm. She claims she will never wash her arm again. She will also never get laid.
Then they cast the most boring, awkward actress on the face of the planet to play the main character. Yes, I'm talking about K Stew. She's so awkward, and anyone who says differently might be deranged. How is it that we as a collective audience are supposed to believe that this pale, awkward, boring AF girl with big ears is supposed to make this sexy vampire and werewolf, oh, and all average human boys she encounters, fall in love with her?
Um, please.
I don't think she's a bad actress. I just think the character mix is frightening on many levels.
You have Rob Pattinson who's like this sexy train wreck with the dirtiest hair I've ever seen that can't seem to say anything without making everyone uncomfortable. Then there's Taylor Lautner, who's like this sexy guy with a dog face that has the voice of Mincus from Boy Meets World. You have the complacent dad character who's a cop that never seems to be around. This way too serious wolf pack that never wears shirts but always seems to have an endless supply of cut off shorts. This pale, weird vampire family that never smiles except for that pixie girl with the flawless face. These people take themselves too seriously and I almost wish that the Volturi cult/monks/vampires whatever killed them all in the end because at least then it would be interesting.
I'm not dissing it.
I love it, really.
It may sound like I'm dissing it, but it's out of love. The only reason that so many people even really hate Twilight is because it's popular and crazy now.
Twihards, my advice to you, is to find a new hobby. Otherwise you most likely will never have a life.
Or maybe try and broaden your horizons and read another book with actual, literary merit.
At the end of the day, yes, I will be in line that first weekend buying my ticket for Breaking Dawn Part 1 (because there couldn't just be one 2 hour long movie where we get to stare at Kristen Stewart with her mouth slightly agape and Rob Pattinson look like he's trying really hard not to poop, no we needed two--greedy studio) and I will most likely enjoy the movie but say I don't only because those three 13 year olds I am stuck sitting in front of will be squealing every time Jacob shows up on screen and cries at the end when Bella inevitably will have her half human/vampire baby with golden hair and flawless skin. They will ruin it for me.
So thanks Twihards, for being complete idiots that ruin the fun of enjoying a book/movie. Thanks, a lot.
Sorry if this blog post was unbelievably random/boring/useless, but honestly, if you don't like it, you don't have to read it.
Until next time,
Kaitie xo
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