Hi all! I hope everyone had a fairly good hump Day. We're half way to the weekend people, we got this.
Now, today was kind of a gross day for life, very "Great Depression"-esque. It was rainy and cold and everyone was just crabby and miserable. People who are normally peppy and loving were more like me today, cynical and bitchy. It was nice. Not really.
I don't really have a subject for this post, so just roll with me on this one people. I do however want to bring up a few happenstances that occured today.
First, I want to whine a bit about the laziness of Americans. I know, this subject is old and tired and people just take great offense to it...blah blah. Whatever. You're lazy. I'm lazy. We're all lazy. That is what makes this country so great. So why can't we all just get along, sit down, watch some Biggest Loser and eat bon bons?
Now I must say that not every American is lazy. For example, I see people riding their bikes, even in the rain...which is just beyond inspiring (and also somewhat sad) and working out for 3 hours a day, and running marathons, and eating nothing but vegetables. They go out and get their work done and homework done before 12am. So great...for you...
But don't lie, you would totally rather drink a Salted Caramel Mocha from Starbucks than V8 juice. Like, come on.
I'm at the library today. Doin my thang. I'm on the 7th floor, so it is excusable for me to use the elevator. Whatever. So I get on the elevator to leave and am going down and the elevator stops at the 2nd floor. I'm a bit perplexed as to why it is stopping, but keep to myself.
This girl walks in...no physical ailments (no broken leg, ankle, she looks perfectly freaking healthy..happy as a lark)
She has the gull to turn to me and say "is this going down?"
"Yes, it is," I say in return, thinking 'oh she wants to go up, duh!'
NO This bitch gets on the elevator to go down ONE FLOOR. If you are one of these people...SHAME ON YOU!! It is one floor, one flight of steps....GOING DOWN. Not even going up!!! Which is still inexcusable to me. That's bad enough...but going down. Really? You're going to take the elevator going down ONE FLOOR? You're going to make the whole elevator system stop for your fat, lazy ass because you are incapable of walking down the flight of stairs? By the time you waited for the elevator to even get to the 2nd floor you could have been out of the entire building.
I've walked down from the 2nd to 1st floor at this library, it is not challenging. I understand if you are ill, have an injury, whatever...but this girl did not have anything of the sort.
She was being lazy. And to top it off, she was talking on her cell phone the whole time. Talking on your cell phone in the elevator is just awkward anyways. Elevator rides in general are awkward. I could write a whole "Awkward Elevator" Blog and everyone would understand what I'm saying. But please, girl, can you wait literally 12 seconds to get off the elevator to get on your phone? (and also, you're in a library)
There is a special ring in hell for people like this.
(^okay, that was dramatic...) But seriously?!
Could we be any more lazy?
This truly disappointed me and I just wanted to vomit after it happened. She had quite some nerve, that girl.
Now...moving on to my next subject which literally has nothing to do with elevator laziness.
As I stated earlier, today was a very rainy, wet day. And not just that light, drizzly rain, but a consistent downpour throughout the entire day. I'm talking pancho weather. Like there were some ass holes wearing panchos around campus, which I guess is pretty commendable because I would not be caught DEAD in one of those hideous things.
So anyways, us girls have it very easy in comparison. We put our cute little designer rainboots on, our cute pink raincoats, we get our heavy duty polka dot umbrellas out and walk to class. We still complain, because you know, we're girls...that's what we do! (hence my blog)
"My butt is soaked!"
"Ugh, my hair!"
"Why is it hitting me from the side?!" (because it's fucking windy, this is Ohio.)
And so forth...you get the message.
And yeah, it sucks. It was one of those days that no matter what you wear or how hard you try to put on your rainy best you will still get wet and it sucks, and it's hard, and I just want to cry and get into my snuggie.
Then you see the male college population. And let me just say, you guys are troopers.
For some reason, our society says that it is not socially acceptable for males to a)wear rainboots (unless you're a fisherman or a serial killer) b)carry umbrellas (unless you are over the age of 25 or are a business man of sorts) or c)own a raincoat (unless it's a Nike brand).
I feel for these guys, really I do. I thank God every night before I go to bed for not giving me a penis for this very reason. The whole walking to class in the cold rain in nothing but a hooded sweatshirt.
Guys, I am so sorry.
And also, if you want to wear rainboots, a raincoat, or carry an umbrella...I WILL NOT JUDGE YOU!! (unless the rainboots are girlie...or the raincoat...or if your umbrella is any color but black)--just kidding...kind of
But seriously, I've never felt more bad for the male sex in my life as I did today. One guy even said "I wish it was acceptable for guys to wear rainboots..."
To that random guy, I say YES! You can wear rainboots! You can do anything you want to do! This is America! America is the land of the free, where we should be able to do anything we want to do (within confines). But if not, if you truly are uncomfortable with challenging your societal norms, just get yourself drenched, go home, eat a frozen pizza, and play XBox...that's American too.
Now if you'll excuse me, my ass is wet and my feet are cold because of the rain, so I'm going to go take a long hot shower instead of doing homework...then maybe I'll facebook.
Ahh, laziness. The bliss.
Until next time,
Kaitie xo
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