Monday, September 26, 2011

Hi there!

Good evening bloggers. I just wanted to say hi and also that I have no idea what I'm actually doing right now. I've never had a blog before, nor did I think I would ever get one, but there is a first time for everything. Plus, I need another procrastination tool considering I've fried myself on Facebook and Twitter. I know, sad.
So...the topic for tonight is working out.

I understand that a lot of people do it, and I enjoy it, really I do...BUT (and this is a big but) it's extremely hard to get motivated after not working out for oh...about 4 months?
So anyways, back to the story. I go to my apartment complex's "gym" and get on the elliptical, ready to work on my fitness (like Fergie). I realize that I am the only female in the entire gym. I put my game face on and try not to let it bother me.
The way the gym is set up is not okay. They've got the "girlie" machines like the treadmills and ellipticals and bikes all against the wall and then the "manly" lifting machines and weights in the back so that it gives them the perfect view of YOUR ASS.

AWKWARD. On so many levels.
Still, I try not to let it bother me, although I am wearing yoga pants with actual underwear so that you can totally see the lines through my pants. So now I'm all self conscience unnecessarily because there is no way in hell these guys lifting weights give a crap about my underwear lines. But I do. Because I thought I would be the only one in there. I didn't actually think people worked out at 9 on weeknights!
^(I know you all are so enticed by my yoga pant/underwear problems...I know it's not a real, actual problem, but it concerned me nonetheless)

So anyways, I'm on the ellpitical, my face getting more and more red by the minute, I can barely feel my legs or breath and my iPod is dying. (PROBLEMS!)
But I keep moving. I think of the people who climbed Everest or Kerri Strug (you know, that girl that performed the vault at the Olympics even though she had a freaking broken leg). I was determined!

Needless to say, I could barely make it past 20 minutes.

Next, I thought it would be okay to go try out the bike. At this point there are about 6 dudes in the back awkwardly watching, which I try to ignore.
I go to the bike and can't get the seat adjusted. I think it it broken, or maybe I'm just an idiot, either way, I made it look like I changed my mind and walked over to the free weights which just happen to be in the heart of "man" territory.

I reach for the stars at pick up a 20lb. weight, no problem. Then I go to pick one up with my left hand and completely almost drop it on the floor. The guy standing there gives me a weird look. I attempt to lift them, but am far too weak from my 4 month hiatus. So I embrassingly go and get the 15lbs. (failure)

At this point, I know that I am the laughing stock of the gym and that I am in no way prepared to be in the "man area". Sadly, I make my way out of the gym and back to my apartment, where I cry and eat a pint of cookie dough ice cream.
Just kidding.
I didn't cry! But I did eat the ice cream...

Now I'm here.
Well, I hope you all liked my first official post and didn't find it too boring. It's okay if you did, I just had to share this awkward occurance of life.

Oh, and to all you ladies out there who CAN actually lift 20lb free weights (or higher), KUDOS. And also, don't be afraid to ever enter the man area of the gym. You deserve it.

Until next time,

Kaitie xo

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