Hey y'all! Sorry for the delay. I've had a busy few weeks. Believe it or not, I do not live to write and obsess over the Bachelorette.
Just kidding. I do.
Will we finally see the Chad saga come to an end...?
Let's start with last week's episode. I will try to keep this brief since you all are way ahead of me here.
We leave off after the God-Awful two-on-one with Chad and Alex. The guys are chilling in their backwoods mansion. They celebrate his demise by taking a bunch of protein powder and sprinkling it throughout the wind. That's not me being sarcastic...that actually happened.
Meanwhile, Chad's making his way downtown, walking fast, faces past, and he's homebound...
JUST KIDDING...he's knocking on the door!
Chad "explains" himself, which means he's going to say what he wants to say when he wants to say it. I'm so tired of this. Can we move on? Chad and Jordan get into a "fight", Evan asks Chad if he has any money because he reallllly wants that $7 H&M shirt that Chad so meanly destroyed.
No physical fight happens, and Chad heads on out apparently.
What a waste.
Would've loved to see Evan get punched.
Sort of.
Bachelorette JoJo is having a rough time as the cocktail party-rose ceremony approaches. And somehow Vinny and Daniel are still here, everyone. Let's not forget this.
Chase says, "there's no negative ENERGIES in this house right now"
I like Chase. He seems like a nice guy, but he literally always looks drunk. She seems to enjoy that though. Makeout Master, Robby, makes his move...again...by taking JoJo to a beautiful fountain and they make wishes with coins together.
J goes, "OK so how do I do this?"
I'm sorry...didn't Chad take you to a wishing well a few weeks ago. Do you not remember how to throw a coin into a body of water?
One of the James' (not A James Taylor, but James who owns a cross-fit gym..DON'T GET IT TWISTED) decides to read J one of the poems he has written her. I cringe. Did he write this? did he find this on tumblr? UGHHHH AJDGHKAJHLKADJAGH awkward times. Worst than writing her a song. *available on iTunes now!*
Alex, the hero of the week, decides that despite having a rose he will have some one-on-one time with JoJo tonight. The other guys are resentful little babies about it.
Self-proclaimed nice guy, Evan, whines about other guys with roses taking up time with JoJo. Jordan takes J aside for a quick makeout session right on the other side of the wall from the rest of the group.
Rose ceremony time! (remember: Jordan, Alex, and Luke have roses)
1- Derek - Jim Halpert lives to see another week
2- Robby - The Dark Horse
3- Chase - "who me?"
4- Wells - MY LOVE
6- Vinny - OH COME ON...what?
7- James T - *sings you a song he wrote*
8- Evan - UGH REALLY?!?!?!
Thus, sending the Other James and Canadian Psycho Daniel home. Well, I guess James F's last ditch effort poem stolen from Tumblr.com didn't work on our girl J.
I still think he was better than Vinny and Evan tbh. Also, would like to correct my earlier mistake...James does not own a cross-fit gym, but a boxing club. Which is actually a lot less douchey.
You will be missed, guys...especially Daniel, god love that entertaining weirdo.
"If this was based solely on looks, there's a good chance I would still be here. But she's going on personalities, and mine sucks," Daniel says.
At least he is self-aware.
What a gem.
Bachelorette JoJo tells the guys their next location will be Uruguay. Most of them do not know what that is.
Also, how am I just now realizing that almost all of these guys have the same haircut?
And I feel like Robby has gotten way sexier since episode 1? Am I making this up?
The first date goes to....Jordan.
He's basically already in first place. What a shitty one-on-one. BOOOOOOO.
Jordan's hair is tooooooooooo fucking much. It can't be tamed. And it can't be blamed. The guys are not pleased. They say he's not trustworthy - and not going to lie - I agree. I know I initially liked The Other Rodgers but he just seems phony to me. and that hair.
The men are confident that JoJo is a "good judge of character" IS SHE THOUGH? Like, she was all about Chad until he literally admitted he was violent?
Back at the hotel, Vinny, the barber, is lining everyone up (FRESH TO DEATH YEA YEA YEA) and they find an InTouch magazine claiming JoJo was sneaking around with her ex the entire time Ben's Bachelor season was airing.
OK...like chill, homies. InTouch is the least reliable of all gossip mags. Everyone with a brain knows that. Such drama queens, FOR REAL.
The next date card arrives: Luke, Derek, Chase, Evan, James, Vinny, Grant, Wells, and Alex get the group date card. We all saw that coming, AMIRIGHT? Robby IS totally ready for that one-on-one.
They're still all dwelling on that stupid fucking article. I'm legitimately mad....
What, were the producers scrambling for more drama once Chad was gone so they planted this bullshit InTouch article slandering JoJo in the guys' hotel room?? What kind of sick behavior is this?!
Meanwhile, back on the date....JoJo informs us that she knows a girl who used to date Jordan and she said he was a bad boyfriend. UMMM OK? Is this ALLOWED? Why would they put him on this show?!
I'm annoyed.
J brings it up to Jordan...and you can see the panic on his face set in. He basically has no idea what to say, and also he sooooort of admits to cheating. He says he has changed.
95% of people are INCAPABLE of changing. Fight me. But it's true.
And I HIGHLY DOUBT Jordan is in the 5% bracket.
Somehow Jordan manages to make JoJo feel bad, she goes "don't be mad at me!" and kisses him repeatedly before giving him the date rose.
This is such shit. I'm annoyed.
As soon as conflict rises, they backtrack and make it fake again. That's the essence of this show though. I'm not sure why I'm surprised.
J and Jordan end their date. She talks to the camera about how great she feels, how happy she is, how nothing could take away this feeling....
Some gross producer is like "I wanted to show this to you," and hands her the dramatic InTouch magazine featuring the tell-all article from her ex-Chad (not Psycho Chad, but her actual former boyfriend)
"Ew, are you kidding me...?" she asks. YES SASSY JOJO I AM HERE FOR IT. "Why are you showing this to me...?" YES CALL HIM OUT.
Her ex is clearly full of shit. I mean, who goes to InTouch? Ew. You're gross dude.
Meanwhile, in their hotel room, the guys are having a conniption about it. Luke, my boy, is like "it sounds like complete fabrication to me...."
Jojo clearly needs her girls there to tell her that everything will be okay. Not just these dumb producers and emotional men. Where's Becca?!?! Bring her in.
J decides to go up to the men and be upfront with them and is in tears telling them she "cares so much about them" (wellllll not all of them, right?)
Robby is really cute about it.
JoJo takes her group date sand surfing which I did not know was a thing..but how lovely. There's nothing I love more than getting sand in every crevice.
Derek, aka Jim Halpert, is being a whiney baby. He's jealous of the others guys, blah blah you know.
Meanwhile, Robby and Jordan are back at the hotel netflix and chillin, having a spa day; Robby gets his one-on-one date card and is very excited
Luke and JoJo share a cute moment together - he assures her that the article means nothing to him, and they share a sweet kiss. AWWWW LOVE YOU LUKE.
Derek is still wigging out. He comes to her, sweating, nervous. She eases his mind by making out with him. Alex, meanwhile, decides he does not like Derek. Alex thinks Derek is very calculated and manipulative. Which is exactly what Chad said...but whatever. we won't go there.
J gives the date rose to........Derek.
Eugh. Fine.
"He's an insecure little bitch," Alex says in regards to the group date pity rose.
The guys are really freaking out about who is going home/how the rose ceremony will go.
Meanwhile, JoJo takes Robby on their group date.
"I know I love JoJo...and saying it first is not a problem," he says.
WHOA WHO WHOA............Robby is IN LOVE?
they jump off a cliff together which is supposed to be symbolic I think
did I mention they were jumping into water?
Yeah. So they didn't die.
Sorry should've prefaced that.
Meanwhile, Alex and Chase play mean girls and attack poor little Derek. Derek doesn't have much to say/doesn't get confrontational. It's all very forced. Whatever.
Robby, though, is killing it on this date. They sit down at dinner together and talk about their families, and love, and shit...you know, the usual. Robby tells JoJo an emotional story about his best friend dying in a car accident :( He then tells her that he has fallen in love with her.
You guys.
Like normally I would drag this really hard, but I really enjoyed the way he told her!
I feel like he is more genuine than Jordan. I really hope he is, at least.
She obviously gives him the rose. I MEAN COME ON.
Unlike Ben though, J does not say it back.
Moving on to the cocktail party/rose ceremony.
Hellz yea.
Derek decides to immediately pull Jordan, Alex, Chase, and Robby aside and address the "mean girl clique" happening. Alex gets mad that Derek would waste his time pulling the guys aside to call them out on petty bullshit. Yet, Alex has never had a problem calling anyone out on anything. I'm not defending Derek or anything because I could give two shits about this situation. But come on, Alex, you're pretty dramatic yourself my friend. (sexy AF though)
They go back inside and the guys are like "what the hell was that about?" and Jordan is like "Derek is sad and feels like we're being mean" and my lovely lovely lovely husband Wells is like "Well, I think he just had some issues he wanted to address with you guys as men...and wasn't being childish" or something along those lines.
Good guy Wells. Always the saint! MY LOVE.
Chase doesn't care. He thinks the timing is bad and is #bitter
Papi H comes in and tells the guys that J has made up her mind so they're going to get this shit poppin and skip the cocktail hour. Thank God. My heart can't take it. And some of these guys realllllly do not need more alcohol in their systems.
Rose Time (remember Derek, Jordan, and Robby have roses)
2- Chase - "who me?"
3- Alex - my sexy little firecracker
4- James - lives to write another song
5- Wells - YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thank God
Thus, sending Evan (finally...did he get his shirt back ever?), Grant :(, and Vinny (yes, he is STILL there)
"I'm just so disappointed in myself," Evan cries. I mean...it's nothing you did bro...? She just wasn't into you? Like move forward, my friend. There's nothing more you could do. Like you can't force someone to be interested in you.
This week we are in Buenos Aires y'all!
Papi H, looking DAPPER, comes up to our girl, J to check in on how things are going. Also, he loves Buenos Aires and was just casually walking around a park when he stumbled into her.
Papi H then skips over to the gents and tells them SURPRISE there will be another two-on-one date this week. LOL yeeikes.
The first date card arrives and goes to Wells! YAY MY BOYFRIEND GETS THE ONE-ON-ONE DATE FINALLY
No but really. Happy for him.
Not only is he the only man left who has not had a one-on-one, he is also the only one left who has yet to kiss JoJo.
The other men are shocked to hear this. Wells embraces it.
I won't lie JoJo and Wells look good together. Plus, they both have weird-ish names. They spend the beginning of the date walking around the streets of Argentina. She takes him to a play that's kind of awkward to watch because it's in the ceiling. You had to be there.
Wells keeps looking for the opportunity to kiss JoJo, but it hasn't arisen yet.
Some director guy who definitely straightens his hair comes out and tells them they will be doing some performance art. Yikes.
They share a weird peck on the cheek WHICH I HATE.
Back at the hotel, the guys discuss that they are pretty sure she is not giving Wells a rose and he'll be headed home. Wah :(
I fear they might be right.
Although in Wells' defense, this date is getting weird. Next, they swim in this ceiling pool like they are in an aquarium. They're basically flopping around like fish and Wells is like 'OH FUCK IT' and kisses her.
It's presh.
I guess.
They move on to their dinner time. I'm not going to lie to you all. I think they're really cute together. Maybe it's just because I'm obsessed with Wells. I just think he's super different from all the other guys there and I enjoy that. But then again, could see them just being good friends in a big way... she needs someone who's sexy and wants to pin her against a wall and kiss her, not like tell her really good jokes and be adorable. But I could be wrong.
He's like "I've always had the idea of what the perfect woman should be for me...and like, never found it, so here you are." LOL uh....
he didn't exactly say that, but basically.
J immediately asked him about his ex-girlfriend.
Wells starts sweating, but is very charming about it. He says he was with his ex and saw her as more a best friend than a romantic partner. JoJo says that is exactly what happened to her in her last relationship...(before Ben)
Meanwhile, the date card comes to the hotel. Luke, Robby, Jordan, James, and Alex get the group. Which means Chase and Derek get the two-on-one. UH OH. it's on. nice guys face off.
Back to the date. JoJo asks Wells about his opinions on love. He is a skeptic. Which, unfortunately, you cannot be on this show. Because although this a reality show, it is not realistic. They clearly differ in opinions on love. UH OH.
J decides to not give him the rose. She enjoys him as a person, but not as a boyfriend. FINE I'LL TAKE HIM! He's my future boyfriend. So glad he has this backstory now it'll make our love all the more stronger.
Awkwardly, JoJo goes to their "post date" awkward private concert/raver ALONE.
The group date begins. James feels like he's "snuck onto a set that he's not supposed to be on" :( aww, James, you're hot too! Don't worry!
I do feel kind of bad. He's on the date with the bro-iest bro's ever. Like a lot of muscle mass on this date, y'all. They end up playing a game of street futbol with some locals. The competition is tough. At the end of the match, they have a penalty kick off. If the guy makes the goal, he gets a kiss from JoJo.
Easy. right.
WRONG. They all miss....except our musician friend, James Taylor!
Underdog game strong.
Luke pulls J away first during group date cocktail hour. They are all over each other. They for SURE want to fuck. Don't blame her. He's beautiful. I do like them a lot together. I would much rather he win over Jordan, y'all. Like how could a guy look at you like that and kiss you like that and you NOT fall in love with him?
James takes his time with JoJo, and decides to talk about Jordan - thus pulling a Leah from last season. WTF? James comes off looking a little pettttttttttttttty. He calls Jordan entitled, etc. Which is fucking true. But don't waste your time with the bachelorette talking about some other guy?! I hate that.
JoJo pulls Jordan aside and confronts him on the matter. (WHO CARES) Jordan tries to laugh it off and J is NOT happy. Jordan says he doesn't know what "entitled" is.
"I'm not entitled" he says repeatedly.
that's because he always has been but whatever.
It's clear that Jordan is not taking this as seriously as JoJo. Or maybe producers are just trying to make it look that way.
Jordan re-enters the room with Robby, James, and Alex and they sit in awkward, heavy silence for a few good minutes.
Jordan asks James how is conversation went. James says it was good. Jordan asks James if his name was brought up at all and James is like "Yeah...." nice
It gets slightly heated. Jordan tells James what he did was pathetic. James says he just wants JoJo to end up with a good man. (lots of J's...amiright?) I'm confused as to how a game of poker got this out of hand. Is there more to it that the producers edited out...? I like to think James is decent and wouldn't take it that far.
JoJo diplomatically gives the date rose to Luke. Duh, they basically had sex on that couch!
Let's move on to this two-on-one.
Chase is super nervous. Derek is super confident.
Which means Derek is going home. lol
That's how this always goes.
Chase is really good looking. I'm just saying. He's the only one on this show right now who is actually pulling off that haircut in the perfect way.
JoJo takes the guys to a tango class. yeeikes.
Is the instructor not wearing panties?!? like her vagina is out, you guys.
you go girl
This is so weird. JoJo is dancing with both of them at once. Will the dance end with her choosing who gets the rose? Will he bit down on the rose between his teeth?
J takes some one-on-one time after the tango classes with each guy. Derek gets really googley-eyed and tells her that he is falling for her, and that he is so "freaking" lucky to be sitting there with her. She then proceeds to tell Chase that he needs to open up more.
"I guess...it's like...new for me...to have to express....those things," Chase says. She basically forces it out of him as he says "I'm uh...falling for you."
Oh, Chase. lol
So JoJo must make the decision to choose between Derek and Chase. She ultimately goes with Chase, thus sending Derek home.
told you so.
the more confident guy always goes home on the two-on-one.
I think Derek was just too sensitive for her. she literally likes guys who are emotionally not-there. Which is why she will probably marry Jordan at the end of this.....
After sobbing as she whisks Derek off, she goes back to Chase (awkward private concert time...) and laughs it off/they dance.
This woman begins singing "DON'T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA" (which I always quote) which matches Derek's dark, cloudy mood as he cries in the car.
"I thought this was my time to be happy....BUT IT'S NOT" Derek cries.
"Why am I crying right now? DON'T CRY," he yells at himself.
I mean everyone else has cried leaving this show. I don't know why the producers are dragging Derek so hard. They're definitely making fun of him/doing this on purpose! Which is super shitty. There is no reason this crying scene should be so long.
We move on to the rose ceremony cocktail hour.
JoJo is SLAYING in her blue gown.
Jordan pulls J aside first and re-iterates that he is serious about this and wants to be engaged by the end of this (or the next bachelor....whatever comes first...he sees that cash money fame)
Each guy takes some time to try to re-assure her that they love her the most.
It's obviously between James and Alex going home.
I mean, come on.
Rose ceremony (remember Luke and Chase are safe)
"This is HANDS down the hardest decision I've had to make" - JoJo
1- Robby
2- Jordan
(I told you guys...between James and Alex)
Dramatic music swells.
JoJo runs off.
She needs some damn air.
She tells Papi H that she doesn't want to give out this final rose.
Wait, does this mean she's sending them BOTH home?
Papi brings two roses out
So she'll give roses to both of them! What a shift! Has this ever been DONE before?! Anything for our Queen J.
We have six men left, y'all. It's happening.
Until then,
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Betchy Bachelorette Monday: Bachelorette JoJo Week 3
Hey everyone. I watched 4 HOURS OF THE BACHELORETTE THIS WEEK so you don't have to.
But for real, I'm going to TRY to be a bit more brief than usual because four hours is a whole lot.
The episode starts off ominously, with the carnage of Resident Pyscho Chad's meat plates from the rose ceremony. There's a lot of sexual tension, obviously.
Papi H walks in and informs the gents that there will be two one-on-ones this week, and only one group date, and lays that first date card on the table. The first one-on-one date goes to Chase, who did not get a date at all last week.
We finally get to see Bachelorette JoJo fifteen minutes into the episode. JoJo wants to see if she can connect with Chase. "Are we gonna do some yoga?" Chase asks, as they literally stand right in front of a big ass red sign that reads "YOGA" in all caps. Trying not to hold this against him.
The yoga instructor informs the couple that this will be a very "intimate" experience, then asks them how long they've been "intimate" AS IF SHE DOESN'T KNOW THIS IS THE BACHELORETTE.
They do these weird exercises where they have temper tantrums, which isn't anything unusual for me. Most times I watch this show I roll around on the ground and scream of discomfort.
After the tantrums, they do this exercise where she literally just straddles him, sexy music Mulan music plays. Chase decides to kiss her. It's, like, really romantic(?)
"I'm lovin' yoga," Chase informs us.
After yoga, they share a romantic boring evening together. She gives him the date rose. duh.
Want to guess what happens next?
A- Helicopter ride
B- Rooftop bar
C- Hot tub
D- Awkward private concert
If you guessed, D, then you are correct.
When you find a formula that works, I guess you stick to it, ya know.
I like J and Chase. What's not to like tbh?
Meanwhile, back at the mansion, everyone is hating Chad. Chad and Daniel are in love. The group date card arrives and goes to: Jordan, Grant, Wells, James F, Christian, Ali, Daniel, Vinny, Nick, Evan, Alex, Chad.
Does this seem like A LOT of people to anyone else?
James T the songwriter, is sad that he is not getting a date (which like, let's be real he probably gets the one-on-one later..) and Chad is like "you can go for me, I'd rather not go"
Everyone is very outraged at this.
Chad claims that he would much rather go on a one-on-one, and would rather not go at all then go on a date with a bunch of other dudes. Jordan and Robby take great offense to this. Jordan is like, "you realize this is a dating show...right?"
Which, like, he's right.
Why does Chad think he is any different than these other guys?
This is what you signed up for.
I am so confused.
If you didn't want to compete with other men for a woman's love, then go on match.com or tinder like all the other fucking people in this universe.
Evan is like, "um we can cross your name out with a Sharpie if you don't want to go"
and Chad goes, "Hey, Evan, SHUT UP!" sounding like every douchebag in my highschool
Jordan says, "whatever team Chad is on let's hope it's a bench press and not a spelling bee" (or some shit like that) and everyone laughs.
Chad takes great offense and fires one back at Jordan, calling him a worthless has-been. Alex calls Chad a piece of shit. Chad calls him a bitch.
And people think women are bad?!
Alex and Chad might actually fight you guys.
Also, you guys, I think Wells is the perfect guy for me. That's just a side-note.
J brings the guys to some theater. So they'll be doing some sort of performance. Great. This is great.
Some female comedian comes out and starts orgasming (not being dramatic, that's what she does) and talking about her sex stories. Which makes the guys super uncomfortable, which I LOVE. Chad looks exasperated. The host tells the audience that tonight is a special night where a bunch of people will be telling their deepest darkest sexual stories.............
This is a great first date. No, truly.
Best to get it all out in the open if you ask me.
Would love if Chad was like, "I'm a virgin."
J says she wants to see what these guys are made of. HAHA YASSS ME TOO. She considers sex to be a very important part of anyone's relationship - and people shouldn't be afraid to talk about it. I definitely agree with her. However, this is televised...and you are not intimate with any of these men YET....is all I'm saying. I get it but it's verging on crossing a line if you ask me!
Can you imagine if they did this on the Bachelor? the outrage
This show you guys.
Evan is super pumped because he loves talking about sex since it's his career as an erectile dysfunction specialist. God help us all for what he's about to divulge.
Daniel says he is comfortable talking about anything that has to do with the body, any bodily functions, anything weird. Yeah, Daniel, we are not surprised. God bless you, son.
"my life is my business, she hasn't earned the right to know about my sexual past yet," Chad whines.
oh boy.
Evan wants to mess with Chad today, and is going to fucking call Chad out. He'll also probably be murdered, so RIP Evan.
Nice knowing you.
Think of all the men who will not be able to get their dicks hard because of Evan's helpful hand anymore :(
Firefighter Grant (fire emoji, fire emoji, fire emoji) kicks this shit off, and is very charming and nervous, but ends up killin' it. J is v. impressed.
JoJo is impressed with all the guys, she says "You know, I look at these guys and I see these adorable, kind mama's boys...but it turns out they're kinkier than I thought!"
Unsurprisingly, Daniel's story is completely psycho. "so she's tied up at this point, and I always carry a knife on me........."
"......so I cut a piece of her hair off."
Daniel, get help.
ALRIGHT, IT'S EVAN'S TURN....nervous about it. He talks about the "dangers of using steroids" and begins to totally drag Chad. Daniel is sweating because he knows some shit is about to go down. Chad is fuming. Alex obviously is loving this and nods all along the way.
Wells, my sweet, innocent (minus the threesome story) Wells, is like "uh me and Evan are the smallest guys in the house and I would never pick on someone like Chad"
Evan makes his way back to his seat. Of course, Chad is next up and they cross paths. JoJo goes to hug Evan and Chad pulls him off of her, ripping his shirt, making him stumble. A few other guys break up the "altercation." J is super confused and nervous. "Are you okay?!? What is going on?" as if she didn't know the steroid story was about Chad......uh....awkward times had by all.
For the "grand finale" (ugh so annoying how Chad is just completely stealing this show away at this point) Chad decides to bring J up to the stage. She's still shaken about Evan.
Chad is still fuming, he says "They don't know a thing about me," (in front of all of these strangers), "I'm not doing this, because today isn't about the past, it's about the future" then he leans down to kiss her and she turns her head away. Chad throws the microphone across the stage.
Alex is LOVING this.
Afterwards, the guys go backstage while the crowd deliberates the winner. Chad gets violent now. The producers are salivating. However, this is actually a frightening situation.
This show is a joke. It's all in good fun. You suck it up and bear it. You don't choke a guy for messing with you. This isn't a boxing match!
Even Daniel is like "whoa bro, chill out." So that's saying something.
They move on to the cocktail hour.
Great, let's add more alcohol to this situation. That always makes things better.
Jordan pulls JoJo aside first and they talk about him being afraid to open up, but how he has a lot of feelings for her that scare him. Blah, blah, you know, the usual shit.
The rest of the one-on-one time is a complete montage. Which means its useless. As much as they are framing Chad as the bad guy, they're framing Jordan as the front runner.
Evan and Chad are clearly in love with each other. Sexual tension.
In front of all the guys, Evan confronts Chad. OK I agree, Chad is a maniac. But Evan needs to chill out, too. they're both being little babies.
Meanwhile, back at the mansion...
Luke, Chase, Robby, and James T are lamenting and discussing how badly the group date is surely going. The one-on-one date card comes and goes to James Taylor, not THE James Taylor, but A James Taylor.
Not mad about it.
Back to the date though!
Chad is wasted, mixed with his Roid Rage, and crippling self doubt......not a good combo. He's lurking around, waiting for his time with JoJo, making fun of the other guys, making most of them feel uncomfortable. He finally has his time with J. She is trying to "figure him out."
I mean, you guys, really he probably needs some help. He did lose his mother not even a year ago. He shouldn't be on this show. He's clearly unstable.
THEN FUCKING "you know you ruined my shirt" EVAN comes waltzing out.........needing to tell JoJo THE TRUTH.
I'm done with these fuck boys, you guys.
Evan gives her the ultimatum: me or Chad. If Chad doesn't go home, Evan will be leaving. He tells her that she doesn't have to choose him, but she cannot end up with a guy like Chad. OK. That's fine. But Evan is annoying me nonetheless.
In JoJo's mind she's probably like, "Um I'm actually sending you both home this week. BYE."
but outside she's like "ooh yeah you've given me a lot to think about..."
Who the hell is she going to give the date rose to...?
She says that before she can give someone the rose, she wants to talk to Evan for a minute. She starts off saying she really likes him but isn't sure she can send Chad home. America knows she is about to send Evan home.
Then she offers him the fucking date rose, "I don't know if you'll want this because I can't guarantee Chad is going home, tbh" - JoJo (basically)
"UM WAIT WAIT WAIT yeah I mean, yeah...love is worth getting punched in the face for, right? I'll take it!" - Evan "can't wait to tell me kids I made out with Jojo!" - Evan, making it weirder than it had to be.
She and and the dick doctor return to the group. J explains why she gave the rose to Evan (yeah, I would like to know personally) and Chad is making all kinds of weirded out faces. J stops what she's saying and looks at him, CLAWS OUT, "Do you have a problem, Chad?"
It gets weird, of course, because this is Chad. She tells him he's being rude and disrespectful and she doesn't like this side of him.
What, the drunk, hyper-masculine, borderline violent side of him?
Can't imagine why.
The next day we find out the guys have requested A SECURITY GUARD WATCH OVER CHAD! lol Jesus...what is going on.
Let's move on to James Taylor (not THE James Taylor) and JoJo's one-on-one. The theme is "old school." They are in their 1940s garb. Can't help but think how perfect Wells would be for this date.
Moving on.
James T is very cute. What a nice young man, ya know?
We meet this precious BEAUTIFUL old lady is going to teach the youngsters how to SWING dance!
I love this precious GEM OF A WOMAN.
After their lesson, James and JoJo walk into a flashmob outside which has transported them back to 1944. They're clearly having a grand old time. I LIKE THEM TOGETHER. Not gonna lie.
Meanwhile, back at the mansion: Chad is eating. Weirdo Daniel informs Chad that the guys think he is scary. Chad eats a whole yam, and it's VERY DISTRACTING to me. Daniel tells Chad, "look, like I'm getting a bad rap for being friends with you. like let's say you're Hitler..."
Chad is like "WHOA, what?"
And Daniel is like, "alright, let's say you're Donald Trump."
Where did they find this guy?
Back to the date. J and James are chilling, watching the sun set and the moon rise. James talks about how kids used to make fun of him for being ugly when he was younger, and called him "long neck James."
poor white boy.
awh, I'm JK he's a sweet guy. Would love to see him go far.
oh wait...is he pulling out a guitar...
oh no.
no no
He wrote her a song.
oh no.
Afterwards he is like "go buy my song on iTunes *wink*!"
This is my nightmare.
If my future husband is reading this: please never do this to me.
Papi H comes around and says JoJo has decided there will not be a cocktail party tonight, but instead will be spending the day with the guys. an all day pool party. what fun.
"I don't know why they're so happy. I know they're happy to see her in a bathing suit. I would rather them NOT see her in a bathing suit. I can get a pretty good idea of what she looks like in a bathing suit," Chad says.
Crazy domineering boyfriend statement #300 for this one.......
Papi H goes to leave and Evan awkwardly runs after him. I'm sure it's to talk about...who else...but Chad.
Evan tells Chris Harrison that he feels unsafe. Papi H is like, "ok i'll handle this baby" and goes to pull Chad aside. Papi basically is stirring the pot at this point. He says he will not be sending Chad home (for the ratings) but Chad needs to go "apologize" and "clear the air".
The guys are all like "wtf" when Chad comes waltzing back in. Evan shits his pants.
You guys. I can't believe how long this blog is.
I will genuinely try to keep the next part short, I promise.
Here we go: part 2.
What the fuck is going on you guys
Also, what are these necklaces they are all wearing???
Chad walks in and "explains" himself. He says he will not be violent. We are all still nervous. My beautiful darling, Wells, is just like "hey I mean we just want to keep this is a safe environment" and Chad agrees. Awh, my sweet Wells, speaking on behalf of the group in a mature manner!
Gosh, this is all so fucking annoying.
It's like the show isn't even about JoJo WHO IS THE MAIN CHARACTER.
Pre-Rose Pool Party! yaaaaa
So much testosterone. So much homoerotica.
The guys do a dive into the pool for JoJo and Evan, of course, starts bleeding. Everyone looks at Chad who is hundreds of feet away like "WAIT IT WASN'T ME!" LOL NOW IT'S ALL FUN!
What are these NECKLACES? All of the men are wearing them. Did they make them? For the pool party?
Jordan and JoJo share a cute little romantic time together. Yes, we get it, this show WANTS Jordan to be the frontrunner. we know we know we know. what about Luke? JoJo tells Jordan she feels like he's closed off to her. I don't really see this. but he does seem slightly phony. just telling it like it is.
I'm over this Chad-saga. I realize these necklaces are their microphones for the pool party!!
Whew. Glad I figured that out.
Apparently Derek has a problem with Chad, too. I enjoy Derek, I really do. I think he's generally a good guy and not sure what happened behind the scenes for him to request a room change, but at this point I'm over it. when is this rose ceremony????????? I've had so much wine
Rose Ceremony time:
let us not forget, Evan, James T, and Chase (doesn't that date seem like ages ago?) are safe.
1- Firefighter Grant
2- Derek aka Jim Halpert
3- Jordan, the other Rodgers
4- Luke YAY (my top pick still)
5- Robby (where has this guy been?!)
6- Wells - YAY MY BABY!
7- James F
9- Daniel - WHATTTTTTTTT is happening
10- Alex - our tough guy!
11- (final rose....) Chad..........................
oh JoJo.....what is going on
Thus, sending Christian, Saint Nick, and Ali get sent home. I really do not understand why she would keep Vinny, Daniel, and Chad over Nick...I thought she liked him?!
I'm so confused!
J tells the guys that remain they will be traveling away from the mansion. THANK GOD. Let's get this shit going. They head on out to Nemacolin, PA.
huh! alright, I'm here, JoJo, very well...I'm still watching. hour 3 with you.
The men arrive in their mansion in the woods. They revel in the time but not before the first date card comes. Luke gets the one-on-one. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAY! I love Luke so much. I really think he's a genuine guy, and they would be good together.
Plus their date involves sled dogs!!! DOGS!
Guess what comes next?
A- Helicopter ride
B- Awkward private concert
C- Hot tub
D- Rooftop bar
If you guessed C, you are correct.
they take a dip into the hot tub and good god Luke has a nice body, and his dog tag around his neck?
Like I realize he and Wells are totally different but they are both my exact type. does that make sense?
This isn't about me.
Moving on.
He adorably helps her into the hot tub and they bond, as I always hoped they would!
Meanwhile, back at the woodland mansion, Chad is steaming, muscles rippling, veins popping out as he discusses how everyone keeps poking the bear. Producers use this opportunity to show an actual bear in the woods...nice. The date card arrives. Derek, James T, Daniel, Chase, Wells, Vinny, James F, Evan, Grant, Jordan, and Robby get the group date.
which means Chad and Alex are apparently getting the two-on-one date. UGH GOD. Could the producers have planned that any better? Honestly. Alex clearly hates Chad. Almost as much as Evan does.
Back to the date.
JoJo and Luke continue their trip down chemistry lane. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I love him. I can't say this enough. JoJo wants to learn more about him and why he is the way he is (quiet, rugged, mysterious). Luke talks about his experience as a small town boy on a ranch from Texas who got into West Point on a football scholarship. From there went into the military and talks briefly about his experience in Afghanistan.
I'm sorry but Luke is HEAD AND SHOULDERS above these other guys.
How many times can JoJo say someone has "really impressed" her?
God love her.
she gives him the rose. DUH.
J tells him she has "one more surprise"
Do you guys want to guess again?
A- hot tub
B- rooftop bar
C- awkward private concert
D- helicopter ride
If you guessed C, you would be correct.
Except, they are not alone, they walk into a crowded concert hall of people. They dance on stage just the two of them. It's not as awkward as usual though. They're super cute.
Group date time!
at Heinz Field.
yuck. (Go Browns)
Ben Rapist-berger is standing there. gross. Can I fast forward this date?
Other players come out who cares. Hines Ward. No big deal.
"It's not everyday my guys get to hang out with football legends," J says (um except Jordan is literally the brother of Aaron Rodgers...does she not know this?)
The men do some football warmups. Where the FUCK is Tim Riggins right now?
JoJo tells Big Ben her top guys (Chase, Jordan, James T, and...Evan...)
The gents are getting aggressive AF. I'll tell you what, there's a LOT of sexual tension. That's all I know.
James F literally makes James T BLEED. The medic tells James T, "Um, you need stitches" as he bleeds from his eye and he's like "um but I want to finish this first!!" so there's just like bandages all over his eye now, he looks like he's beet shot.
Hines Ward splits them up into two teams. The winning team gets to move on to the evening date with J.
Meanwhile, back at the mansion Luke is stuck in the middle is Alex and Chad as they await their two-on-one date card.
The blue team takes the W which means Vinny, Evan, Derek, Robby, Jordan, and James T get to continue on the date while the others go home (the losers are verrrrry devastated).
So much masculine man pain, y'all.
Robby finally gets some alone time with JoJo, and spends most of it making out with her.
Jordan gets jealous seeing her with the other guys and WANTS HIS DAMN TIME.
JoJo tells Jordan she still isn't sure about him. He's like "ugh shit I've got to do something to show her I care...." so he tells her he's falling in love with her. Appropriate response...obviously logical.
JoJo is like "yes, this is what I needed from him!"
You forced it out of him though.
Whatever. It's enough to get him the date rose. I'm not going to lie to you all, I don't know if I am Team Jordan.
Meanwhile....back at the mansion. The dreaded date card arrives.
The men all sit around and Chad gets mad again. I feel like I've seen this before.
Who in this house has Chad NOT shouted at? How can even sweet Grant be so fed up he wants to physically fight Chad? Get him out of here, ugh this is so annoying. the ratings. I KNOW it's for the ratings...but please, dear God. Enough is enough. this is JoJo's show, not Chad's!!!
Chad threatens to find Jordan and kill him after the show.
so that's real.
The entire group sit in awkward and complete silence while Alex and Chad wait for the car or whatever to pick them up.
Ah, a helicopter!
Damn! Should've known.
They sit in silence obviously, and arrive to J. She takes them on a hike through the woods. Will a bear please maul Chad? The Revenant 2?
Alex has his alone time with J and unloads the whole story on Chad. As if she really had no idea. Oh, please. Unless the producers really tried to keep it from her?
She pulls Chad aside next and asks him what is going on and why he is threatening people. He tries to defend himself terribly. JoJo is horrified and walks away, knowing she has to think this through.
Um. What is there to think about?
Chad whistles like every murderer does as he approaches Alex...ugh god. Can we not?
Alex is super sexy. I'm just letting you all know.
They duke it out (verbally)
Alex brings up a good point, "why do you always have to go to violence?"
J comes to them, interrupts their fight and asks Chad point blank if he has threatened anyone.
He gives her a hazy answer - although there is proof - on camera.
She tells him "physical violence is not the answer" and gives the rose to Alex. OH DAMN.
Alex and J walk off romantically.
Back at the mansion, some producer comes and takes Chad's bag. The other men celebrate, pop some bottles.
Thank god this saga is over.
oh but wait. IT'S NOT.
Because Chad is like, "She's fake, she's an actress...great. now I have to go find Alex!"
then they show him fucking going through the woods at night...walking BACK to the mansion.
oh please. spare me.
And Alex and J are in some cabin, drinking wine, and talking while this psycho wanders.
Chad knocks on the door, then rubs his hands down the window. I can't with this guy. I really cannot.
"Hey, Chad's at the door," James F says nonchalantly. they think he's kidding but he's like, "um, no he's really there."
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!?
Ugh, Chad.
Two weeks till the next ep. And thank god. I need a break.
I'm not doing winners/losers because I'm exhausted. Thank you if you made it this far.
Until next time,
But for real, I'm going to TRY to be a bit more brief than usual because four hours is a whole lot.
The episode starts off ominously, with the carnage of Resident Pyscho Chad's meat plates from the rose ceremony. There's a lot of sexual tension, obviously.
Papi H walks in and informs the gents that there will be two one-on-ones this week, and only one group date, and lays that first date card on the table. The first one-on-one date goes to Chase, who did not get a date at all last week.
We finally get to see Bachelorette JoJo fifteen minutes into the episode. JoJo wants to see if she can connect with Chase. "Are we gonna do some yoga?" Chase asks, as they literally stand right in front of a big ass red sign that reads "YOGA" in all caps. Trying not to hold this against him.
The yoga instructor informs the couple that this will be a very "intimate" experience, then asks them how long they've been "intimate" AS IF SHE DOESN'T KNOW THIS IS THE BACHELORETTE.
They do these weird exercises where they have temper tantrums, which isn't anything unusual for me. Most times I watch this show I roll around on the ground and scream of discomfort.
After the tantrums, they do this exercise where she literally just straddles him, sexy music Mulan music plays. Chase decides to kiss her. It's, like, really romantic(?)
"I'm lovin' yoga," Chase informs us.
After yoga, they share a romantic boring evening together. She gives him the date rose. duh.
Want to guess what happens next?
A- Helicopter ride
B- Rooftop bar
C- Hot tub
D- Awkward private concert
If you guessed, D, then you are correct.
When you find a formula that works, I guess you stick to it, ya know.
I like J and Chase. What's not to like tbh?
Meanwhile, back at the mansion, everyone is hating Chad. Chad and Daniel are in love. The group date card arrives and goes to: Jordan, Grant, Wells, James F, Christian, Ali, Daniel, Vinny, Nick, Evan, Alex, Chad.
Does this seem like A LOT of people to anyone else?
James T the songwriter, is sad that he is not getting a date (which like, let's be real he probably gets the one-on-one later..) and Chad is like "you can go for me, I'd rather not go"
Everyone is very outraged at this.
Chad claims that he would much rather go on a one-on-one, and would rather not go at all then go on a date with a bunch of other dudes. Jordan and Robby take great offense to this. Jordan is like, "you realize this is a dating show...right?"
Which, like, he's right.
Why does Chad think he is any different than these other guys?
This is what you signed up for.
I am so confused.
If you didn't want to compete with other men for a woman's love, then go on match.com or tinder like all the other fucking people in this universe.
Evan is like, "um we can cross your name out with a Sharpie if you don't want to go"
and Chad goes, "Hey, Evan, SHUT UP!" sounding like every douchebag in my highschool
Jordan says, "whatever team Chad is on let's hope it's a bench press and not a spelling bee" (or some shit like that) and everyone laughs.
Chad takes great offense and fires one back at Jordan, calling him a worthless has-been. Alex calls Chad a piece of shit. Chad calls him a bitch.
And people think women are bad?!
Alex and Chad might actually fight you guys.
Also, you guys, I think Wells is the perfect guy for me. That's just a side-note.
J brings the guys to some theater. So they'll be doing some sort of performance. Great. This is great.
Some female comedian comes out and starts orgasming (not being dramatic, that's what she does) and talking about her sex stories. Which makes the guys super uncomfortable, which I LOVE. Chad looks exasperated. The host tells the audience that tonight is a special night where a bunch of people will be telling their deepest darkest sexual stories.............
This is a great first date. No, truly.
Best to get it all out in the open if you ask me.
Would love if Chad was like, "I'm a virgin."
J says she wants to see what these guys are made of. HAHA YASSS ME TOO. She considers sex to be a very important part of anyone's relationship - and people shouldn't be afraid to talk about it. I definitely agree with her. However, this is televised...and you are not intimate with any of these men YET....is all I'm saying. I get it but it's verging on crossing a line if you ask me!
Can you imagine if they did this on the Bachelor? the outrage
This show you guys.
Evan is super pumped because he loves talking about sex since it's his career as an erectile dysfunction specialist. God help us all for what he's about to divulge.
Daniel says he is comfortable talking about anything that has to do with the body, any bodily functions, anything weird. Yeah, Daniel, we are not surprised. God bless you, son.
"my life is my business, she hasn't earned the right to know about my sexual past yet," Chad whines.
oh boy.
Evan wants to mess with Chad today, and is going to fucking call Chad out. He'll also probably be murdered, so RIP Evan.
Nice knowing you.
Think of all the men who will not be able to get their dicks hard because of Evan's helpful hand anymore :(
Firefighter Grant (fire emoji, fire emoji, fire emoji) kicks this shit off, and is very charming and nervous, but ends up killin' it. J is v. impressed.
JoJo is impressed with all the guys, she says "You know, I look at these guys and I see these adorable, kind mama's boys...but it turns out they're kinkier than I thought!"
Unsurprisingly, Daniel's story is completely psycho. "so she's tied up at this point, and I always carry a knife on me........."
"......so I cut a piece of her hair off."
Daniel, get help.
ALRIGHT, IT'S EVAN'S TURN....nervous about it. He talks about the "dangers of using steroids" and begins to totally drag Chad. Daniel is sweating because he knows some shit is about to go down. Chad is fuming. Alex obviously is loving this and nods all along the way.
Wells, my sweet, innocent (minus the threesome story) Wells, is like "uh me and Evan are the smallest guys in the house and I would never pick on someone like Chad"
Evan makes his way back to his seat. Of course, Chad is next up and they cross paths. JoJo goes to hug Evan and Chad pulls him off of her, ripping his shirt, making him stumble. A few other guys break up the "altercation." J is super confused and nervous. "Are you okay?!? What is going on?" as if she didn't know the steroid story was about Chad......uh....awkward times had by all.
For the "grand finale" (ugh so annoying how Chad is just completely stealing this show away at this point) Chad decides to bring J up to the stage. She's still shaken about Evan.
Chad is still fuming, he says "They don't know a thing about me," (in front of all of these strangers), "I'm not doing this, because today isn't about the past, it's about the future" then he leans down to kiss her and she turns her head away. Chad throws the microphone across the stage.
Alex is LOVING this.
Afterwards, the guys go backstage while the crowd deliberates the winner. Chad gets violent now. The producers are salivating. However, this is actually a frightening situation.
This show is a joke. It's all in good fun. You suck it up and bear it. You don't choke a guy for messing with you. This isn't a boxing match!
Even Daniel is like "whoa bro, chill out." So that's saying something.
They move on to the cocktail hour.
Great, let's add more alcohol to this situation. That always makes things better.
Jordan pulls JoJo aside first and they talk about him being afraid to open up, but how he has a lot of feelings for her that scare him. Blah, blah, you know, the usual shit.
The rest of the one-on-one time is a complete montage. Which means its useless. As much as they are framing Chad as the bad guy, they're framing Jordan as the front runner.
Evan and Chad are clearly in love with each other. Sexual tension.
In front of all the guys, Evan confronts Chad. OK I agree, Chad is a maniac. But Evan needs to chill out, too. they're both being little babies.
Meanwhile, back at the mansion...
Luke, Chase, Robby, and James T are lamenting and discussing how badly the group date is surely going. The one-on-one date card comes and goes to James Taylor, not THE James Taylor, but A James Taylor.
Not mad about it.
Back to the date though!
Chad is wasted, mixed with his Roid Rage, and crippling self doubt......not a good combo. He's lurking around, waiting for his time with JoJo, making fun of the other guys, making most of them feel uncomfortable. He finally has his time with J. She is trying to "figure him out."
I mean, you guys, really he probably needs some help. He did lose his mother not even a year ago. He shouldn't be on this show. He's clearly unstable.
THEN FUCKING "you know you ruined my shirt" EVAN comes waltzing out.........needing to tell JoJo THE TRUTH.
I'm done with these fuck boys, you guys.
Evan gives her the ultimatum: me or Chad. If Chad doesn't go home, Evan will be leaving. He tells her that she doesn't have to choose him, but she cannot end up with a guy like Chad. OK. That's fine. But Evan is annoying me nonetheless.
In JoJo's mind she's probably like, "Um I'm actually sending you both home this week. BYE."
but outside she's like "ooh yeah you've given me a lot to think about..."
Who the hell is she going to give the date rose to...?
She says that before she can give someone the rose, she wants to talk to Evan for a minute. She starts off saying she really likes him but isn't sure she can send Chad home. America knows she is about to send Evan home.
Then she offers him the fucking date rose, "I don't know if you'll want this because I can't guarantee Chad is going home, tbh" - JoJo (basically)
"UM WAIT WAIT WAIT yeah I mean, yeah...love is worth getting punched in the face for, right? I'll take it!" - Evan "can't wait to tell me kids I made out with Jojo!" - Evan, making it weirder than it had to be.
She and and the dick doctor return to the group. J explains why she gave the rose to Evan (yeah, I would like to know personally) and Chad is making all kinds of weirded out faces. J stops what she's saying and looks at him, CLAWS OUT, "Do you have a problem, Chad?"
It gets weird, of course, because this is Chad. She tells him he's being rude and disrespectful and she doesn't like this side of him.
What, the drunk, hyper-masculine, borderline violent side of him?
Can't imagine why.
The next day we find out the guys have requested A SECURITY GUARD WATCH OVER CHAD! lol Jesus...what is going on.
Let's move on to James Taylor (not THE James Taylor) and JoJo's one-on-one. The theme is "old school." They are in their 1940s garb. Can't help but think how perfect Wells would be for this date.
Moving on.
James T is very cute. What a nice young man, ya know?
We meet this precious BEAUTIFUL old lady is going to teach the youngsters how to SWING dance!
I love this precious GEM OF A WOMAN.
After their lesson, James and JoJo walk into a flashmob outside which has transported them back to 1944. They're clearly having a grand old time. I LIKE THEM TOGETHER. Not gonna lie.
Meanwhile, back at the mansion: Chad is eating. Weirdo Daniel informs Chad that the guys think he is scary. Chad eats a whole yam, and it's VERY DISTRACTING to me. Daniel tells Chad, "look, like I'm getting a bad rap for being friends with you. like let's say you're Hitler..."
Chad is like "WHOA, what?"
And Daniel is like, "alright, let's say you're Donald Trump."
Where did they find this guy?
Back to the date. J and James are chilling, watching the sun set and the moon rise. James talks about how kids used to make fun of him for being ugly when he was younger, and called him "long neck James."
poor white boy.
awh, I'm JK he's a sweet guy. Would love to see him go far.
oh wait...is he pulling out a guitar...
oh no.
no no
He wrote her a song.
oh no.
Afterwards he is like "go buy my song on iTunes *wink*!"
This is my nightmare.
If my future husband is reading this: please never do this to me.
Papi H comes around and says JoJo has decided there will not be a cocktail party tonight, but instead will be spending the day with the guys. an all day pool party. what fun.
"I don't know why they're so happy. I know they're happy to see her in a bathing suit. I would rather them NOT see her in a bathing suit. I can get a pretty good idea of what she looks like in a bathing suit," Chad says.
Crazy domineering boyfriend statement #300 for this one.......
Papi H goes to leave and Evan awkwardly runs after him. I'm sure it's to talk about...who else...but Chad.
Evan tells Chris Harrison that he feels unsafe. Papi H is like, "ok i'll handle this baby" and goes to pull Chad aside. Papi basically is stirring the pot at this point. He says he will not be sending Chad home (for the ratings) but Chad needs to go "apologize" and "clear the air".
The guys are all like "wtf" when Chad comes waltzing back in. Evan shits his pants.
You guys. I can't believe how long this blog is.
I will genuinely try to keep the next part short, I promise.
Here we go: part 2.
What the fuck is going on you guys
Also, what are these necklaces they are all wearing???
Chad walks in and "explains" himself. He says he will not be violent. We are all still nervous. My beautiful darling, Wells, is just like "hey I mean we just want to keep this is a safe environment" and Chad agrees. Awh, my sweet Wells, speaking on behalf of the group in a mature manner!
Gosh, this is all so fucking annoying.
It's like the show isn't even about JoJo WHO IS THE MAIN CHARACTER.
Pre-Rose Pool Party! yaaaaa
So much testosterone. So much homoerotica.
The guys do a dive into the pool for JoJo and Evan, of course, starts bleeding. Everyone looks at Chad who is hundreds of feet away like "WAIT IT WASN'T ME!" LOL NOW IT'S ALL FUN!
What are these NECKLACES? All of the men are wearing them. Did they make them? For the pool party?
Jordan and JoJo share a cute little romantic time together. Yes, we get it, this show WANTS Jordan to be the frontrunner. we know we know we know. what about Luke? JoJo tells Jordan she feels like he's closed off to her. I don't really see this. but he does seem slightly phony. just telling it like it is.
I'm over this Chad-saga. I realize these necklaces are their microphones for the pool party!!
Whew. Glad I figured that out.
Apparently Derek has a problem with Chad, too. I enjoy Derek, I really do. I think he's generally a good guy and not sure what happened behind the scenes for him to request a room change, but at this point I'm over it. when is this rose ceremony????????? I've had so much wine
Rose Ceremony time:
let us not forget, Evan, James T, and Chase (doesn't that date seem like ages ago?) are safe.
1- Firefighter Grant
2- Derek aka Jim Halpert
3- Jordan, the other Rodgers
4- Luke YAY (my top pick still)
5- Robby (where has this guy been?!)
6- Wells - YAY MY BABY!
7- James F
9- Daniel - WHATTTTTTTTT is happening
10- Alex - our tough guy!
11- (final rose....) Chad..........................
oh JoJo.....what is going on
Thus, sending Christian, Saint Nick, and Ali get sent home. I really do not understand why she would keep Vinny, Daniel, and Chad over Nick...I thought she liked him?!
I'm so confused!
J tells the guys that remain they will be traveling away from the mansion. THANK GOD. Let's get this shit going. They head on out to Nemacolin, PA.
huh! alright, I'm here, JoJo, very well...I'm still watching. hour 3 with you.
The men arrive in their mansion in the woods. They revel in the time but not before the first date card comes. Luke gets the one-on-one. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAY! I love Luke so much. I really think he's a genuine guy, and they would be good together.
Plus their date involves sled dogs!!! DOGS!
Guess what comes next?
A- Helicopter ride
B- Awkward private concert
C- Hot tub
D- Rooftop bar
If you guessed C, you are correct.
they take a dip into the hot tub and good god Luke has a nice body, and his dog tag around his neck?
Like I realize he and Wells are totally different but they are both my exact type. does that make sense?
This isn't about me.
Moving on.
He adorably helps her into the hot tub and they bond, as I always hoped they would!
Meanwhile, back at the woodland mansion, Chad is steaming, muscles rippling, veins popping out as he discusses how everyone keeps poking the bear. Producers use this opportunity to show an actual bear in the woods...nice. The date card arrives. Derek, James T, Daniel, Chase, Wells, Vinny, James F, Evan, Grant, Jordan, and Robby get the group date.
which means Chad and Alex are apparently getting the two-on-one date. UGH GOD. Could the producers have planned that any better? Honestly. Alex clearly hates Chad. Almost as much as Evan does.
Back to the date.
JoJo and Luke continue their trip down chemistry lane. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I love him. I can't say this enough. JoJo wants to learn more about him and why he is the way he is (quiet, rugged, mysterious). Luke talks about his experience as a small town boy on a ranch from Texas who got into West Point on a football scholarship. From there went into the military and talks briefly about his experience in Afghanistan.
I'm sorry but Luke is HEAD AND SHOULDERS above these other guys.
How many times can JoJo say someone has "really impressed" her?
God love her.
she gives him the rose. DUH.
J tells him she has "one more surprise"
Do you guys want to guess again?
A- hot tub
B- rooftop bar
C- awkward private concert
D- helicopter ride
If you guessed C, you would be correct.
Except, they are not alone, they walk into a crowded concert hall of people. They dance on stage just the two of them. It's not as awkward as usual though. They're super cute.
Group date time!
at Heinz Field.
yuck. (Go Browns)
Ben Rapist-berger is standing there. gross. Can I fast forward this date?
Other players come out who cares. Hines Ward. No big deal.
"It's not everyday my guys get to hang out with football legends," J says (um except Jordan is literally the brother of Aaron Rodgers...does she not know this?)
The men do some football warmups. Where the FUCK is Tim Riggins right now?
JoJo tells Big Ben her top guys (Chase, Jordan, James T, and...Evan...)
The gents are getting aggressive AF. I'll tell you what, there's a LOT of sexual tension. That's all I know.
James F literally makes James T BLEED. The medic tells James T, "Um, you need stitches" as he bleeds from his eye and he's like "um but I want to finish this first!!" so there's just like bandages all over his eye now, he looks like he's beet shot.
Hines Ward splits them up into two teams. The winning team gets to move on to the evening date with J.
Meanwhile, back at the mansion Luke is stuck in the middle is Alex and Chad as they await their two-on-one date card.
The blue team takes the W which means Vinny, Evan, Derek, Robby, Jordan, and James T get to continue on the date while the others go home (the losers are verrrrry devastated).
So much masculine man pain, y'all.
Robby finally gets some alone time with JoJo, and spends most of it making out with her.
Jordan gets jealous seeing her with the other guys and WANTS HIS DAMN TIME.
JoJo tells Jordan she still isn't sure about him. He's like "ugh shit I've got to do something to show her I care...." so he tells her he's falling in love with her. Appropriate response...obviously logical.
JoJo is like "yes, this is what I needed from him!"
You forced it out of him though.
Whatever. It's enough to get him the date rose. I'm not going to lie to you all, I don't know if I am Team Jordan.
Meanwhile....back at the mansion. The dreaded date card arrives.
The men all sit around and Chad gets mad again. I feel like I've seen this before.
Who in this house has Chad NOT shouted at? How can even sweet Grant be so fed up he wants to physically fight Chad? Get him out of here, ugh this is so annoying. the ratings. I KNOW it's for the ratings...but please, dear God. Enough is enough. this is JoJo's show, not Chad's!!!
Chad threatens to find Jordan and kill him after the show.
so that's real.
The entire group sit in awkward and complete silence while Alex and Chad wait for the car or whatever to pick them up.
Ah, a helicopter!
Damn! Should've known.
They sit in silence obviously, and arrive to J. She takes them on a hike through the woods. Will a bear please maul Chad? The Revenant 2?
Alex has his alone time with J and unloads the whole story on Chad. As if she really had no idea. Oh, please. Unless the producers really tried to keep it from her?
She pulls Chad aside next and asks him what is going on and why he is threatening people. He tries to defend himself terribly. JoJo is horrified and walks away, knowing she has to think this through.
Um. What is there to think about?
Chad whistles like every murderer does as he approaches Alex...ugh god. Can we not?
Alex is super sexy. I'm just letting you all know.
They duke it out (verbally)
Alex brings up a good point, "why do you always have to go to violence?"
J comes to them, interrupts their fight and asks Chad point blank if he has threatened anyone.
He gives her a hazy answer - although there is proof - on camera.
She tells him "physical violence is not the answer" and gives the rose to Alex. OH DAMN.
Alex and J walk off romantically.
Back at the mansion, some producer comes and takes Chad's bag. The other men celebrate, pop some bottles.
Thank god this saga is over.
oh but wait. IT'S NOT.
Because Chad is like, "She's fake, she's an actress...great. now I have to go find Alex!"
then they show him fucking going through the woods at night...walking BACK to the mansion.
oh please. spare me.
And Alex and J are in some cabin, drinking wine, and talking while this psycho wanders.
Chad knocks on the door, then rubs his hands down the window. I can't with this guy. I really cannot.
"Hey, Chad's at the door," James F says nonchalantly. they think he's kidding but he's like, "um, no he's really there."
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!?
Ugh, Chad.
Two weeks till the next ep. And thank god. I need a break.
I'm not doing winners/losers because I'm exhausted. Thank you if you made it this far.
Until next time,
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