It's time for the final rose/Andi to "FINALLY" get engaged (maybe)
This is a live blog tonight so I'm writing it as I go. Finding everything out as I go...just FYI.

And according to CHarrison, "it's the dramatic event we WON'T see coming"
And I realize I cannot watch this show sober.
Who will she choose?
The dorky yet 'passionate', Average Guy Nick?
Or the guy who probably was a tool you dates in high school, Former MLB Player Josh?
Bachelorette Andi starts off by saying both guys are "totally great guys" and it's going to be a rough choice.
She introduces Nick to her family first, and he bumbles through it awkwardly. AND YAY WE GET TO SEE PAPA HY!
Who we first met last season when he said he totally hated Juan Pablo on Andi's hometown. Oh, how I've missed him.
Andi tells her sister that there is "so much PASSION" and that when he kisses her it's not just kissing. Yeah, Andi...uhm, we know. We've had to endure your 'kissing' Nick for quite some time (9 weeks to be exact)
Nick is super uncomfortable the entire time, but he manages to ask Papa Hy if he can marry his daughter and Hy says yes?!?
Well. There we have it.
Next, Andi takes Josh to meet her family. Josh knows that this is "a big deal." LOOK AT THOSE TEETH.
The family has some concerns because Josh comes in, balls out, screaming about how hot and nervous he is.
And I'm not really sure why her family is so disconcerted about him?
He lets her sister know that he's "not like those other guys in Andi's past" and any time a guy says he is "not like the others" that you've been an automatic red flag. Because he usually is, or worse. I learned that at sixteen...but whatever. What do I know?
Papa Hy takes his time to make final judgement. He is stone cold for the entire conversation with Josh but at the end he turns into a teddy bear and is like "oh yeah it's all about love, I approve of you, let's hug it out"
I like how at the end of the date, Hy jokes "you're one of two of the best guys I've met down here!"
Addressing that, yes, this situation is weird.
Josh is really set on making Andi HIS WIFE. He's so exciting that he is smiling with all of his teeth, and that's a very scary sight. Let me say.
While we're on a commercial break, I'd like to tell you my opinion.
I think both the guys are douchebags.
I think Andi is kind of a douchebag.
And I don't care who she marries/gets engaged to/gives the final rose/whatever to at this point anymore. I'm leaning towards Josh only because I think they match better. That's all.
Just had to get it out there.
Let's get back to business.
Andi and Josh go on their very last date on this journey of love. She takes him on a yacht so they can fuck. No just kidding. They're going to talk. Because that's what they do. They talk on this show. They talk, and talk, and talk...and say the same shit over again...using words like "excited for the future", "love journey", "this is crazy", "I just need more clarity" (yeah no shit you need clarity, you have to choose a husband in a matter of two months)
We should get these people a thesaurus.
I find myself literally dozing off during their conversations because they just go in circles and circles, reiterating the same shit over and over again.
Josh ends the date with ... you guess ... no really guess ... you got it ... a letter!
We should've known.
He also makes her a baseball stats card, but like a relationship stats card. It's all very clever.
Apparently because he made that for her she decides that "that just solidified everything" for her.
I hate the sound of them smacking lips! LIKE CAN THEY TURN THE MIC OFF?
Do you think Josh would sell you a car? I can see it.
Trish also wants to know: "Did he get those salmon colored pants from JJ?"
We cut back to the studio and CHarrison reminds us for the fourth time tonight that this is the finale, and WHO WILL ANDI CHOOSE? But more importantly...who will have their HEART COMPELTELY BROKEN AND IS DESPERATE TO GET SOME CLOSURE? We'll see later.
Because that's what is important.
Andi next has her last date of the season with Nick, aka the man she won't choose.
No I'm just kidding.
"At the end of the day I just want to find that clarity" (if I were playing a drinking game with how many times Andi repeats herself in one episode, I'd be in need of a doctor)
She and Nick go off-roading then go for a picnic. Nothing too fancy, typical Bachelor/ette shit.
Nick grumbles and bumbles some more

I've finished the wine bottle at this point. So forgive any misspellings.
"Tonight's a big deal," giggle, "'s a really big deal" Nick giggles like a little girl.
Nick holds up his glass and cheers "This is to our last date...hopefully not our last date"
Andi: "I like that!"
What?! Is she even listening to him?
He just keeps mumbling...does anyone know what the fuck he is saying??
Apparently, he is getting cold feet...even though he doesn't know if the rose is his or not. I'm not really sure why this is happening when Nick has literally been talking about winning since he got the FIR in ep 1.
He gets over that fear quickly.
Apparently he is reassured that Andi will choose him by all the signals she is throwing his way. I don't know what the signals are because I'm not seeing them...but again, what do I know about love? Not much.
"I never thought I would meet a guy like Nick: a smart, sophisticated guy from Chicago..with such PASSION! He's everything I've been looking for in a man."
For his gift, Nick gives Andi a little necklace he made with sand from their date in a small bottle. It's kind of cute. Cuter than a fucking baseball stats card? Probably.
The morning of the 'final rose', Andi walks around in a silk robe and a lace nightie around the grounds of the resort they're filming at. Meanwhile, Nick and Josh each take turns opening up the blinds of their hotel rooms...did I mention both are shirtless?
Nick looks like he is waking up the morning he knows he is going to MURDER SOMEONE.
Seriously...the look on his face really alarmed me in this scene.
Meanwhile Josh says he loves Andi "more than anything in the world" and I just don't know if I can logically figure that one out.
The final two men each take turns picking out a ring. Neither of Josh's intense eyebrows or any of his teeth can decide on which ring to get. He chooses this gigantic monster of a diamond ring. That Andi will probably love because she's southern.
Kidding, kidding! (sort of) get wild.
Nick is innocently waiting for his Neil Lane appointment in his hotel room when Andi comes a-knockin'
"Can I talk to you?" she asks.
COMMERCIAL BREAK. ohhhh my God, what is happening?!!?
"This is taking....a dramatic turn...." - CHarrison, in the live studio. Asks former contestants like Crazy Clare and Farmer Chris what might happen. Although, I think we all already know. Neither of them give straight answers, but at least I get to see the Chris's talk, which is lovely.
But come on, can we get this show on the road here?
This is agony.
And so many commercials.
Andi says she just wanted to "come chat" with Nick. If he was a nervous mess before this, I'm sure he is now. She says she woke up in the morning and "something wasn't right" then she starts crying, and he is completely dumbfounded.

So instead of dumping him on an altar made of flowers in front of millions of people, she dumps him in private, yet still in front of millions of people.
I almost feel bad for him because he is sooooo shocked, like he doesn't even know what to say.
She is so full of shit. She says on their last date she 'couldn't relax' but if you rewind the episode and watch the date, she was acting so happy and carefree and kissing him and talking about the fucking passion and shit.
She's terrible!!! I mean, honestly.
Nick confronts her and says he doesn't understand how she could look at him the way she did and act the way she did, and now she's saying they don't have a connection and stuff. She just nods and cries and apologizes, because she is an actress.
I'm sorry, but she is.
This entire time....
You'd think she loves all of them, but what do we really know?
But Nick really wasn't the one for her, IMO. Feeling a little bad for the cocky little nerd, a little.
To fit the mood, it begins storming.
Wow, the producers have so much power!
Andi is so depressed about this whole thing, it's hard to believe this is the day she's getting proposed to. AMIRIGHT?
Nick is completely "hurt" and mumbles about it while trying not to cry on the car ride home.
We cut back to the live audience and they all look so sad about this...and it's so quiet you would think something truly tragic just happened.
I love how CHarrison is like "will thie end well, or will it end in heartbreak?"
Um, obviously it will end well because Josh has been freaking out all night about how in love with Andi he is...and Andi has eliminated all of his competition.
Andi says how "scared" she is. Josh proposes and says all the cliche/cheesiest lines I've ever heard in any movie ever. I can't even believe that this could be real....
It's so extremely cheesy.
He even has this weird like...accent thing? I can't describe it.
Andi finally admits her love to him, and they kiss and this is all so INSANE. I LOVE IT.
Eugh he's sweating so bad! Completely drenched like he just played one of his baseball games.
Is it just me or are their kisses louder than anyone else's ever have been in the entire world?
Josh: I love you
Andi: I know
Josh: I love you so much
Andi: I love you
Josh: I love you, oh my gosh, I love you
(repeat x45)

We start off the night with a little quick congrats to Andi and Josh, and then straight on to Nick. They show a video of him walking the cold streets of Chicago completely alone, but at least he has his stylish fashion scarf.
Nick is all like "I am heartbroken, I need closure, and I need her to know that I still love her...and she's going to know how I feel."
So apparently, he goes to the Men Tell All asking to meet with Andi, and Andi shoots him down like 'hell no'
BUT WAIT. There is a backup plan. Nick provides...GUESS: A LETTER.
The season of letters is not over yet, my friends.
And even though his time on the show is over, Nick still manages to make this shit about him.
Nick, I promise you will find love. There are all kinds of American women who now know who you are and for some reason really like you!
Never fear.
He keeps talking about how blindsided he was. I mean, come on...he couldn't have been THAT confident! There were still two men at the end of the had to go. Don't you think you'd have, like, maybe at least SOME doubt?
(my dad walks through the room at this point: "Come on dude, you lost, get over it")
Nick talks to us about the process of his none of us know what a break up is like.
He begins to choke up again, and it's uncomfortable because Harrison is like "okay, we're going to give you a chance to talk to Andi"
UM NO I DON'T WANT THEM TO TALK...I do not feel comfortable watching a grown man cry on live makes me uneasy!
Let's take a look at this season's Clorox: Most Bleachable Moment! *WINK*
Like wtf?
Talk about weird timing...
So they bring Andi out, and she's dressed in all white, looking like a bride. She awkwardly hugs Nick like the fake she is. CHarrison is like "shit I need a new career, please God let Bachelor in Paradise be the end of this nightmare..."
Eugh, so they bring Andi out to have this 'talk' with Nick in which he just bumbles and mumbles more on live television. Acting very uncomfortable.
He's been desperately trying to see her for months, and all of the sudden he is completely speechless.
God, I am sweating, like almost at a Josh level...
I'm not even there.
How is Harrison handling this right now?
"If I could do it over again, I would've done everything I did with Nick." -Andi....OKAY? That's the bitchiest thing ever. Basically she just said that her relationship with the other guy was way better, but that doesn't mean her feelings at the time weren't real.
I need some ice water or something. I feel like I am going through this breakup endlessly.
He just asked her why if she wasn't in love with him she 'made love' to him
In the fantasy suite.
And now we all know.
And now Josh knows. And I'm reallllly curious as to how the rest of this reunion show will go.
This is NUTS!!!!
Wtf is happening?
Like isn't this stuff supposed to be private? So anyways, Nick says that...on national TV, which is pretty weird and shitty...and then Andi gets all sassy and you know what happens next.
CHarrison tries to clean things up nicely, but nothing is resolved, and now everyone is just sweating...but mostly me.
I need to re-shower after this episode! I'm so uncomfortable!
He says he didn't mean to hit "below the belt" but then what the hell was he doing?? What kind of guy would bring that up? He's just trying to start shit....
And is anyone surprised?
Great job, producers. You've made an excellent decision letting this bastard have his half hour of feelings revealed to us all.
Is Nick about to kill everyone?

I can't help but wonder: What does Juan Pablo have to say about this?
This may be a worse/more uncomfortable situation than his season's AtFR.
Alright. Get him off the stage.
Time to be happy again.
Let's bring Josh out...?
They're really gross and PDA-ish. Not shockingly since they're so annoying.
CHarrison asks them what they want to do now that it's real.
They say they can't wait to just let the dogs out together. Josh is really excited to golf with Papa Hy.
You know, normal, boring shit.
No late night, candlelit dinners in French castles?
Josh is all over her, rubbing her and being his cheesy self. I can't even believe. They're like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: The Oprah Couch Days
Apparently, they have no qualms about discussing their sex life either. Which is only a little bit weird considering we just found out Andi also screwed Nick. Oh my.
They do a little segment where they make fun of Andi's frown. It's all very fun. They bring out grumpy cat. Yeah, it's all funny and great.
Can we please find out that Chris is the next Bachelor now?
CHarrison just said "goodnight everybody, can't wait to see you next week for Bachelor in Paradise"
What about the next Bachelor!?
It's Farmer Chris, right? It HAS to be.
This is very upsetting. What a weird finale special.
Well congrats Andi...I hope you have a great love life with Josh being douchebags!
Until next time,