I know it's been a while, but give me a break.
I hope you're all doing great and enjoying the beginning of the holiday season. If not, then hang in there because it's only going to get crazier from here.
As most of you know, I love Christmas/the Holidays (if you want to be politically correct).
Everything about it from the candy cane scented lotion that makes my skin feel electrified to the copius amounts of cookies I consume and tell myself "it's okay because it's Christmas", is wonderful. Calories don't count during December...I guess.
One of the best parts about Christmas are the memories of childhood Christmases. I don't care what anyone says: there is no better feeling than coming down the steps on Christmas morning and seeing the tree lit up with presents wrapped beneath it.
My literal emoji facial expression
Seriously, I don't know who thought of this concept but it's great.
For those of you who do not know, aka the ones living in holes: You draw a random name and get that person a gift.
In extreme cases, like my 6th grade class, you write them secret notes giving them clues as to who you are only to reveal your true identity on Christmas.
Personally, I remember getting really involved with Secret Santa in a way that probably isn't normal to most human beings. I would cut out letters from magazines and newspapers, you know..kind of like they do for ransom notes.
Fun Fact: Found this as a ransom note template on google. People now-a-days...too lazy to cut up their own ranson notes. That's what is wrong with our generation.
Each time I wrote a note I'd give my person a little gift whether it be a small candy cane or a piece of chocolate or a lock of my hair (joking.....maybe). I liked to pride myself on being an amazing Secret Santa.
I'd give them thought provoking clues like: "I'm a girl", "I have glasses", "I sit at your table at lunch", "I wear knee high socks" (I went to Catholic school, ok?)
I mean, basically, I was playing a game of 'Guess Who' but better because there were gifts involved.
Face it, Maria was the Miss. Scarlet of Guess Who...she was the prettiest and every girl wanted to be her. And she had an awesome green beret.
I remember one year I got this kid and he was probably the exact opposite of someone I would consider a friend. I won't say names or anything but whatever. And that was tough. I mean, what do you get an 11 year old boy that you barely know?
With a five dollar spending limit?
I mean come on, I'm classy. I don't do cheap gifts.
Again, only sort of kidding.
See, this is where things..GOT INTERESTING.
I made excellent notes and clues, and I think he was growing suspicious of me...but never would I ever tell.
I decided to get him a Tech Deck. And for those of you who don't know or remember what this is...who even are you because hello: welcome to the 90s/early 2000's.
So anyways, I got this kid a Tech Deck and he was so thankful. He and all the boys in my class entertained themselves all of recess one day with that finger tip skate board, doing tricks and whatnot.
And that was the day I was a hero.
Aside from that other day I was a hero in which I saved my pet hermit crab from a fatal accident...but that's a different story, for a different day.
Coincidentally, that year was also the year that the person who drew my name forgot to get me a gift. It was painfully obvious when my name was called to reveal who my Secret Santa was and there was a long, awkward silence.
As I felt my face flush and my eyes well up with tears, my Secret Santa finally revealed himself and said he was sorry he couldn't get me anything. My teacher was so mortified, but also equally prepared. She handed me an extra gift that she'd wrapped: a giant Tootsie Roll.
So I mean whatever.
The point of my story is not that I got this one kid an awesome gift that was definitely beyond the $5 limit and I recieved some sort of odd chocolate candy (is it taffy? what is a tootsie roll, really?) and that life is totally unfair...BUT that what I remember most about that year was the pure joy I brought to the male population of my grade school class, if only for one day, during one recess period.
THE POINT BEING that Christmas isn't about receiving but about giving, and I truly believe that...if only through the silly example of a Tech Deck.
So I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, whether you celebrate or not...take a second to appreciate the little joys in life. Because it's the little stuff that you remember on a bad day.
Also, I love Secret Santa.
And I'd probably make a really good kidnapper/blackmailer.
Until next time,